
If a beautiful woman appears before me

إذا تجليت لي أنثى أهيم بها

1. If a beautiful woman appears before me
Even if she appears in the ugliest of forms

١. إذا تجليت لي أنثى أهيم بها
ولو تجليت لي في أقبح الصورِ

2. The ugliness that made your appearance
Seems to me among the most beautiful of forms

٢. لعاد قبح الذي جعلت مظهركم
عندي وفي نظري من أحسن الصورِ

3. Blessed is Allah in His revelation we know Him
And if we were ignorant of Him we would be harmed

٣. تبارك الله في مجلاه نعرفه
ولو جهلناه كنا منه في ضررِ

4. He is the One seen in His Essence and in His Attributes
In the world of command, the heavens, and mankind

٤. هو المشاهد في ذاتِ وفي صفة
في عالم الأمر والأفلاك والبشر

5. Through Him I see and listen when He calls me
For He is the eye's sight and the ear's hearing

٥. به أراه وأصغي عند دعوته
لأنه عين سمع الأذن والبصر

6. The scholar of theology does not know our words
If he spoke them he would be in danger

٦. وعالمُ الرسم لا يدري مقالتنا
ولو يقول بها لكانَ في غرر

7. And every advocate of a doctrine of what we know
Our minds, he is in it in danger

٧. وكلّ صاحبِ عقدٍ في الذي علمت
ألبابنا إنه فيه على خطر

8. You see Him swimming in a sea yet He has no
Sword to save Him if He had caution

٨. تراه يسبح في بحرٍ وليس له
سيف يؤمله إن كان ذا حذر

9. So adhere to what the Law says about Him and do not
Deviate from the intellectual and transmitted view

٩. فاثبت على ما يقول الشرع فيه ولا
تعدل عن النظرِ العقليِّ والخبر

10. And take exclusively that to which you bear witness then when
You walk among people do not deviate from the trace

١٠. ولتنفرد بالذي أشهدته فإذا
مشيت في الناس لا تعدلْ عن الأثر