
He who takes other than God as an intimate friend,

من يتخذ غير الإله جليا

1. He who takes other than God as an intimate friend,
Has made them a leader and chief for himself.

١. من يتخذ غيرَ الإله جلياً
أضحى عليه مُقدَّماً ورئيسا

2. And though he runs with wisdom, when he reaches the goal,
He becomes a prisoner of vain desires.

٢. وبحكمةٍ يجري فإنْ بلغَ المدى
أمسى لرَّبات الحجال حبيسا

3. So when that intimate friend becomes clear to his heart,
The despicable along with the honorable becomes manifest.

٣. فإذا انجلى ذاك الجليسُ لقلبه
ظهرَ الخسيسُ مع الجلاء نفيسا

4. And he realizes that the Truth is in Him, so he does not become
An intimate friend of anyone other than God and the witnesses.

٤. ودرى بأنَّ الحقَّ فيه فلم يكن
لسوى الإله مع الشهودِ جليسا

5. When I came to know the price of knowing,
I laid bare my heart for whoever wanted to sit with me.

٥. لما علمتُ بع علمتُ حقيقتي
فأبحت قلبي من أراد جلوسا