1. You and I have none but Allah as our support
Whoever takes the Lord of the worlds as his support is successful
١. ما لي وإياك غير الله من سندِ
وفاز من يتخذ ربَّ الورى سندا
2. He is the Overseer above the Throne is His dwelling
As befits Him in religion and creed
٢. هو المهيمن فوقَ العرشِ مسكنه
كما يليقُ به ديناً ومعتقدا
3. He comes and descends while minds seek Him
As We have recounted concerning the intended meaning
٣. يأتي وينزلُ والألبابُ تطلبه
كما روينا على المعنى الذي قَصَدا
4. Whoever is as I have said regarding Him has
Fulfilled what was enjoined upon man and been moderate
٤. ومن يكون على ما قلت فيه فقد
وفى بما كلف الإنسان واقتصدا
5. Leave the talk of people whose scholar said
That He is unified with the One God
٥. ودع مقالةَ قومٍ قال عالمهم
بأنه بالإله الواحدِ اتّحدا
6. Unification is impossible, none speak it
Except an ignorant one, straying from his reason
٦. الاتحاد محال لا يقول به
إلا جهولٌ به عن عقلِه شَرَدا
7. And from His reality and from His Law
So worship your God, do not associate any with Him
٧. وعن حقيقتِه وعن شريعته
فاعبد إلهك لا تشرِك به أحدا
8. And rise to the Granter of mysteries, you will gain Him
And take before the arrival a hand with Him
٨. وانهض إلى واهب الأسرار تحظ به
ولتتخذ عنده قبلَ القدومِ يدا
9. From your earthly abode and from thought
You think because of it in endless confusion
٩. عليه من دارك الدنيا ومن فكر
تظن من أجلها في حيرة أبدا
10. And be an imam and do not pursue corruption
In any way, and be assiduous in judgment
١٠. وكن إماما ولا تسعى لمفسدة
بكلِّ وجهٍ وكنْ في الحكم مجتهدا
11. And do not err through invalidating and rationalizing
And be unique in opinion and following
١١. ولا تغالط بتعطيلٍ وأقيسَةٍ
وكنْ عن الرأي والتقليد مُنفردا
12. I have advised you and the Merciful bears witness for me
As I was commanded, and all this is a gift
١٢. إني نصحتك والرحمن يشهد لي
كما أمرتُ وهذا كله وردا