
I glorify God with His names

أسبح الله بأسمائه

1. I glorify God with His names
From every blameworthy and praised one

١. أسبِّح الله بأسمائه
من كلِّ مذمومٍ ومحمود

2. If tongues speak His praise
Between the lost and found

٢. إن نطقتْ بحمده ألسنٌ
فبينَ مفقودٍ وموجود

3. So the praiser flows with His absoluteness
And the praiser flows with His confinement

٣. فحامد يجري بإطلاقه
وحامدٌ يجري بتقييد

4. And all of them are good doers in His praise
Even if they come to it with limitation

٤. وكلهم في حمده محسنٌ
وإن أتوا فيه بتحديد

5. And there is no capacity except what appeared
For He gathered with dispersion

٥. وليس في الوسع سوى ما بدا
فإنه جمع بتبديد

6. If there was capacity we would have said it
And not said of Him with abstraction

٦. لو كان من الوسع لقلنا به
ولم نقل فيه بتجريد

7. And God I am a worshipper of passion
I have no so where is my monotheism

٧. والله إني عابد للهوى
ليس له فأين توحيدي

8. The rule of passion made me a worshipper
Of its Lord so that is my worshipped

٨. حكم الهوى صيَّرني عابداً
لربه فذاك معبودي

9. I am fairly coming with what I came with
I am not like one who is lost in waste

٩. إني لما جئتُ به منصفٍ
لستُ كمن قد ضلَّ في البيد

10. And I did not say hurry cotton for us
Mockingly, O best witnessed

١٠. ولم أقل عجّل لنا قطنا
سخرية يا خيرَ مشهودِ

11. There must be a day for us comprehensive
Between ominous and felicitous

١١. لا بد من يوم لنا جامعٍ
ما بين منحوسٍ ومسعودِ