
When I saw the houses of Jawzā',

لما رأيت منازل الجوزاء

1. When I saw the houses of Jawzā',
The realities of the news were hidden from me.

١. لما رأيتُ منازلَ الجوزاءِ
خفيتْ عليَّ حقائق الأنباء

2. And I knew that God veils His servant
From His essence to actualize intimacy.

٢. وعلمتُ أنَّ الله يحجبُ عبدَه
عن ذاتِه لتحقق الأنساء

3. Indeed, evidence is opposite to the evidenced -
This opposites' ruling inheres creation.

٣. إن الدليلَ مقابلُ مدلولِه
حكم التقابلِ بنفسه الإنشاء

4. Look to His beautiful names, you find
Our entities from the presence of names.

٤. انظر إلى أسمائه الحسنى تجد
أعياننا من حضرةِ الأسماء

5. So when He appeared through the face, He showed our being
In the witnessed copy, gleaming.

٥. فإذا بدا بالوجه أظهرَ كوننا
بالنسخةِ المشهودة الغَرَّاء

6. We slipped from examples—no, He struck them
For God, when we were among the ignorant.

٦. زلنا عن الأمثالِ لا بل ضربها
لله إذ كنا من الجهلاء

7. Where are the forearm and prostration and greeting
From an ordained duty above the towering?

٧. أين الذراعُ وهقعةٌ وتحيةٌ
من فرضٍ قدر فوقهم مُتنائي

8. In an atlas where no fixed star appears,
Its light seems and is seen by the beholder.

٨. في أطلس ما فيه نجمٌ ثابتٌ
يبدو يشاهد نوره للرائي

9. And to Him belong moisture and heat, for to Him belongs
The nature of life and its secret in water.

٩. وله الرطوبةُ والحرارة إذْ له
طبعُ الحياةِ وسرُّه في الماء

10. The age of youth is His, not because His constellation
Is in the highest station, the House of Air.

١٠. عصرُ الشبابِ له وليس لكونه
في الرتبة العلياءِ برجُ هواء

11. The Bucket and the Scales are examples of Him.
So judgment differs without contention.

١١. والدالي والميزانُ أمثالٌ له
فالحكمُ مختلفٌ بغيرِ مِراء

12. The judgment of the houses may oppose His nature—
How healing, while in it lies the eye of sickness?

١٢. حكم المنازلِ قد تخالفُ طبعه
كيفَ الشفاءُ وفيه عينُ الداء

13. The mystic wandered confusedly in the darkness,
Like the thinker when both are equal.

١٣. حار المكاشف في الدجى خياله
مثل المفكر إذ هما بسواء

14. The matter is greatest that its essence be encompassed
And with sincerity came with tidings.

١٤. الأمر أعظم أن يحاط بكنهه
ومع النَّزاهة جاء بالأنواء

15. We were perplexed, and the mind was confused in attaining it,
Since it cannot be limited to enumeration.

١٥. حرنا وحار العقل في تحصيله
إذ ليس منحصراً على استيفاء

16. Had the impossibility of limitation not been proven, I would have said, by His generosity,
"Limitation removes the rank of generous ones."

١٦. لولا ثبوتُ المنع قلتُ بجودِه
المنعُ يُذهبُ رتبةَ الكرماء

17. Do not rejoice in what you see of a witness
That appears to your eye when a cover is unveiled.

١٧. لا تفرحنَّ بما ترى من شَاهدٍ
يبدو لعينِك عند كشفِ غِطاء

18. It is His way to use that deceit which
He has stated in the decisive verses and news.

١٨. من شانه المكر الذي قد قاله
في محكمِ الآياتِ والأنباء

19. The aim in the knowledge of matters is as
The aim in bearing neither crow nor dove.

١٩. القصد في علمِ الأمور كما جَرَتْ
ما القصد في حَمَل ولا جَوزاءِ

20. Indeed, nature is like a bride when she adorns herself,
And the groom—who makes her gestures to him?

٢٠. إن الطبيعة كالعروسِ إذا انجلتْ
والبعلُ من تدريه بالإيماء

21. From her originated all bodies altogether,
And morning and evening alternate.

٢١. عنها تولدتِ الجسومُ بأسرها
وتعاقبَ الإصباحُ والإمساء

22. So she is the wet nurse of the dense and its spirit,
And it is to her, for procreation, like sons.

٢٢. فهي الأميمة للكثيفِ وروحُه
وهو لها للنشء كالأبناء

23. And they are the anemones attributed to them
Through action, not through the distant conjunction.

٢٣. وهم الشقائقُ يُنسَبون إليهما
بالفعلِ لا بالتحامِ النائي

24. Whoever believes in enumeration believes in all
To which the realities of enumeration point.

٢٤. مَن دانَ بالإحصاء دانَ بكلِّ ما
دلَّت عليه حقائقُ الإحصاءِ

25. Do not receive tablets containing His mercy
And repel with them the gloating of enemies.

٢٥. لا تلق ألواحاً تضمن رحمته
وادفع بهن شماتة الأعداء

26. And make me follow the straight path, answering
The voice of every caller at each slope.

٢٦. واسلك بنا النهجَ القويمَ ملبياً
صوتَ المنادي عند كلِّ نهداء

27. He is the veiler of the door to which
The necks of the elite bowed, commander of commanders.

٢٧. هو حاجب البابِ الذي خضعتْ له
غلبُ الرقابِ وآمرُ الأمراء