
With my own soul that meets what is right and did not meet,

بنفسي الذي يلقى المحق وما لقى

1. With my own soul that meets what is right and did not meet,
And nothing remained of it among the witnesses or remained,

١. بنفسي الذي يلقى المحق وما لقى
ولم يبق منه في الشهود وما بقى

2. If what is with me becomes with his creation,
From knowledge of me, none would remain in the kingdom who remained,

٢. لو أنَّ الذي عندي يكون بخلقه
من العلم بي لم يبقَ في الملك من بقى

3. My eyes have indeed looked upon him, and he,
Meets what has been said to me that he met,

٣. لقد نظرتْ عيني إليه وإنه
ليلقى الذي قد قيل لي إنه لقى

4. Oh! I wish I knew, will I see today a young man,
Correct in claims with truth speaking,

٤. ألا ليتَ شعري هل أرى اليوم من فتى
صحيح الدعاوى بالصوابِ منطق

5. Merciful, compassionate, sympathetic,
Yearning for remembering him over the people concerned,

٥. رحيم رؤوفٌ عاطفٌ متعطِّفٌ
وَلوُعٌ بذكراه على الخلقِِ مشفق

6. With speech you see as truly miraculous,
For the falsehood which the opponent comes with destroyed,

٦. بلفظٍ تراه في الحقيقةِ معجزا
لزور الذي يأتي به الخصم مزهق

7. He contends for the origin of existence itself,
Competing winds of generosity with generosity, and piety,

٧. يناضل عن أصل الوجودِ بنفسه
يباري رياحَ الجود جوداً ويتقى

8. Beware that he gains his position,
Other than him with support and zeal concerned,

٨. حذارا عليه أن يحوزَ مقامه
سواه بتأييدٍ وغيرة مشفق

9. The people have been ignorant of my words and my purpose,
And did not know what we said without being realized,

٩. لقد جهل الأقوام قولي ومقصدي
ولم يدرما قلناه غير محقق

10. I hope he sees in his atmosphere prey,
For he does not see restriction except by the absolute,

١٠. عساه يرى في جوّه من فريسةٍ
فليس يرى التقييد إلا بمطلق

11. He has intended something that has no likeness in existence,
With nullification and reconciliation like the act of the realized one,

١١. لقد رام أمراً ليس في الكون عينه
بنقضٍ وتقريبٍ كسيرِ المحقق

12. And when he saw that there is no attainment to what he sought,
And that what he intended is not realized,

١٢. ولما رأى أن لا وصول لما ابتغى
وأنَّ الذي قد رام غير محقق

13. He came with speech I do not enumerate, dragging its consequences,
With the power of an omnipotent one, confirming incapacity,

١٣. أتى لفظ لا أحصى يجرُّ ذيوله
بقوةِ قهَّارٍ بعجز مصدِّق

14. He has indeed become knowledgeable whereas he was ignorant,
Of it while he is negating knowledge, so look and verify.

١٤. لقد صار ذا علم لما كان جاهلا
به وهو نفي العلم فانظر وحقّق