
I was created from water, the rest belongs to Him

خلقي من الماء والباقي له تبع

1. I was created from water, the rest belongs to Him
Of the elements, so seek me through water

١. خلقي من الماء والباقي له تبع
من العناصر فاطلبني على الماء

2. And water has no boundary enclosing it
Just as I have no limit in my existence or my names

٢. والماءُ ليس له حدٌّ يحيط به
كذا أنا في وجودي عند أسمائي

3. God has manifold attributes in water
Whose beholding suffices without gesture or words

٣. لله في الماء أوصافٌ منوَّعةٌ
تغني مشاهدها عن حكمِ إيماءِ

4. In His creation is what His Word has spoken
A hint suffices without explicit explanation

٤. قد جاء في خلقه ما قال من عرق
تكفي الإشارة عن تصريح إنباءِ