
I speak by Allah, not by my being

أقول بالله لا بكوني

1. I speak by Allah, not by my being
For with evidence it's clear to see

١. أقول بالله لا بكوني
فإنه بالدليلِ عيني

2. That the occurrence that's my existence
Has come between it and me

٢. إن الحدوث الذي لكوني
قد حال ما بينه وبيني

3. In reason's view, not my unveiling
So the distance between me is the distance between me

٣. في نظر العقلِ لا بكشفي
فالبينُ بيني والبينُ بيني

4. If it indicates that I'm for it without
Then when I ask for help, that's for me

٤. إنْ دلَّ أني له بغير
فذاك لي إذا سألت عوني

5. Or if I said I'm for it specifically
Its voice and guarding belie me

٥. أو قلتُ إني له بعين
أكذبني صوته وصوني

6. So the matter's between me and my love
On it we build, if you want to build

٦. فالأمر بيني وبين حبي
عليه نبني إن كنتَ تبني

7. You praised me one day in ignorance
So he said "Praise me and you will praise me"

٧. أثنيتَ يوماً عليَّ جهلاً
فقال أثني عليَّ تثني

8. So I passed from me to him through him
And that's what didn't stand by my guess

٨. فنيت عني به إليه
وذاك ما لم يقم بظني

9. And I didn't know the narration in what
I composed, so look at it from me

٩. وما جهلتُ الرويّ فيما
نظمته فانظروه مني

10. So whatever poetry you see in my words
It's not poetry, take it from me

١٠. فما تراه من نظم قولي
فليس شعراً خذوه عني

11. Rather it's what my Lord said about it
From the mention of creation in my existence

١١. بل هو ما قال فيه ربي
من ذكر جمع ببينِ كوني

12. So everything in existence is a composition
And not poetry, and the meter is my meter

١٢. فكلُّ ما في الوجود نظمٌ
وليس شعراً والوزنُ وزني

13. Al-Farahidi is not my guide
I'm his guide, for I am

١٣. ليس الفراهيد لي إمامٌ
أنا إمام له فإني

14. In all I have narrated
A sign of my time, so do not praise me

١٤. في كلِّ ما قلت من روي
علام وقتي فلا تثني

15. In the Family of Imran, if you look
A house, and in Repentance a praise

١٥. في آل عمرانَ إن نظرتم
بيتٌ وفي توبة وثني

16. By the stone, and know that my words
In all I have said about Him suffice

١٦. بالحجر واعلم بأنَّ قولي
في كلِّ ما قلت عنه يغني

17. So the numbering's from me, and the truth dictates
Thus all I have written is not from me

١٧. فالرقم مني والحقُّ يملي
فكلُّ ما خُط ليس مني