
My eyes have never seen

ما نظرت عيني إلى

1. My eyes have never seen
Anything that you see, but I see

١. ما نظرتْ عيني إلى
شيء تراه فأرى

2. Except for He who told us
That He created all beings

٢. إلا الذي قال لنا
بأنه الخلق برى

3. I said, so who told us
Of the water and the soil?

٣. قلتُ فمن قيل لنا
من المياه والثرى

4. There is none in the universe
That you see without Him seeing

٤. فليس في الكون الذي
تراه من غير يرى

5. Except for Him, so behold the wonder
Known by those who truly know

٥. سواه فانظر عجباً
يدري به من قد درى

6. That existence is one
In His sight, without doubt

٦. إنَّ الوجودَ واحدٌ
في عينه دون امترا

7. And all who spoke of Him
Spoke truthfully, without lies

٧. وكلُّ من قال به
في حقه فما افترى

8. For we are all in Him
Like prey in the belly of the hunter

٨. فنحن فيه كلنا
كأصيَد في جوفِ الفرا

9. And the belly is empty of Him
And the truth is, there is no Him in it

٩. والجوفُ منه فارغٌ
والحقُّ ما فيه مِرا

10. We have said, what is this creature
Rather, an angel in what we see?

١٠. قد قلن ما ذا بشراً
بل مَلكاً فيما نرى

11. And there was no angel
Except a human being

١١. ولم يكن بملك
ما كان إلا بَشَرا

12. So this is the command of God
In existence and all creation

١٢. فهكذا أمر الإ
له في الوجودِ والورى