
Cosmic ray, God's eye preserves it

ريان فلكي عين الحق تحفظه

1. Cosmic ray, God's eye preserves it
It is the ship, the waves, and the water

١. ريان فلكي عين الحق تحفظه
وهو السفينة والأمواج والماءُ

2. It flows with His eyes, though the eye is one
Tell me, from whom and to whom are they names?

٢. تجري بأعينه والعينُ واحدةٌ
ممن وقل لي إلى من فهي أسماءُ

3. Nothing exists but this, and for us
In every incident, a symbol and a gesture

٣. ما في الوجود سوى هذا وكان لنا
في كل حادثة رمز وإيماء

4. May God protect us from it and protect it
From us, so the lowly and the noble opened

٤. الله يحفظنا منه ويحفظه
منا فتحن الأذلاء الأعزاء

5. Through it we were ennobled, as through us He is exalted
Can my symbol be resolved except into Waw and Ha?

٥. به اعتززنا كما بنا يعزّ وهل
يحلُّ رمزي إلا الواو والهاءُ

6. My existence passed through it, I am no longer I
Nor am I they, but objects and opinions

٦. مضى وجودي به عني فلستُ أنا
ولستُ هن وهي أغراضٌ وآراء

7. I have said this with knowledge and certainty
About what I say, and the L and the Y departed

٧. قد قلت ذلك عن علمٍ وعن ثقة
بما أقول وراح اللام والياء

8. So neither by it was there being nor nothingness, but by it
Were illness and disease

٨. فلا به كان كون لا و لا وله
وعنه كان فأمراضٌ وأدواء

9. Thus it was said, with cause and causation
For that, then, secrets and things

٩. لذاك قيل بمعلولٍ وعلة
من أجل ذا ثَم أسرارٌ وأشياءُ

10. We know them, and He knows them
At the time of genesis, fathers and sons

١٠. ونحن نعلمها وهو العليم بها
حين التوالد آباء وأبناء

11. He is the essence to which we undoubtedly will return
In it, while we are shadows and phantoms

١١. هو الشخيص الذي لا ريبَ يلحقنا
فيه ونحن ظلالاتٌ وأفياء

12. Had He not created us, no shadows would appear
And to Him they shrink, so lights are fathers

١٢. لولا السنا ما بدت منه الظلالُ و لا
إليه يقبض فالأنوار آباء

13. And the essence is their mother, and through it
They appeared, so manifestation and hiding

١٣. والشخص أم لها وعنه قد ظهرتْ
وفيه كانت فإظهار وإخفاء