
The God who is exalted

إن الإله الذي قد

1. The God who is exalted
And transcendent in his loftiness

١. إن الإله الذي قد
علا وجلَّ سموّا

2. He whom I have spoken of
Wanting me to draw near

٢. هو الذي قلت عنه
يريد مني دُنوّا

3. Has never ceased interceding for me
And being intimate with me

٣. فلم يزل بي شفعا
ولم يزل فيّ توّا

4. When He denied likeness to me
For that reason I was not a match

٤. لما نفى المثلَ عني
لذاك لم أك كُفوا

5. I did not take the word of my Lord
When reciting it as mockery

٥. لم أتخذ قولَ ربي
عند التلاوة هُزوا

6. Glory be to Him and exalted
Above any likeness is His sublimity

٦. سبحانه وتعالى
عن الشبيه عُلوّا

7. And with this transcendence
He has said "He loves intimacy"

٧. ومع هذا التعالي
قد قال يعمر حوّا

8. I was perplexed about myself and about Him
If He had wanted creation

٨. قد حِرتُ فيَّ وفيه
فلو أراد البنوّا

9. He would not have permitted that from Himself
O Lord, forgiveness and pardon

٩. لم يستحل ذاك منه
يا ربِّ غّفراً وعفواً

10. You are Powerful over it
So be in my covenant forgiving

١٠. أنت القدير عليه
فكن بعقدي عفوّا