
Knowledge is the best thing to pursue

العلم أولى ما اتبع

1. Knowledge is the best thing to pursue
And a servant is a servant of what he pursues

١. العلمُ أولى ما اتبع
والعبد عبدُ ما اتبعْ

2. This is the truth that has appeared
So take my advice or leave it

٢. هذا هو الحقُّ بدا
فخذ بقولي أو فَدَعْ

3. Whoever has the capacity for truth
Will never lack anything within his capacity

٣. من وسع الحق فما
يعجز عن شي يسع

4. How noble is the servant who
Has put everything in its proper place

٤. ما أشرف العبد الذي
لكل شيء قد وضع

5. Both descending and ascending
Lowering and raising

٥. من نازلٍ وصاعدٍ
وخافضٍ ومرتفع

6. His scale is in his hand
Like truth, he elevates and lowers

٦. ميزانه في يده
كالحقِّ يُعلي ويضع

7. If he says a momentous word
He does not speak rashly

٧. إنْ قالَ قولاً هائلاً
فما يقول من جَزع

8. Because he knows that
Truth is unbreakable

٨. لأنه يعلم أنّ
القولَ بالحقِّ صَدَع

9. O servants, take heed
Of the awfulness of Judgement Day

٩. عبادَه فاعتبروا
في هولِ يومِ المطلع

10. When a servant is brought to it
And thrown into Hell, let him look

١٠. إذا أتى العبدُ به
إلى الجحيم فاطّلع

11. To see his companion
Safety has been stripped from him

١١. لكي يرى صاحبَهُ
عنه الأمان قد نُزع

12. Saying, "By Allah, you almost
Led me to ruin with you"

١٢. فقال تالله لقد
كِدت لتردينْ ومعْ

13. "But I am an intercessor for you
If Allah wills, I shall intercede"

١٣. هذا فإني شافعٌ
فيكَ إن الله شفع

14. So praise be to Allah who
Saved me from what happened

١٤. فالحمدُ لله الذي
خلصني مما وقع

15. But the ignorant man came
And there was nothing to deter him

١٥. فه الجهول إذ أتا
ه رادعٌ فما ارتدع

16. In Surah As-Saff came a verse
If one understands its meanings, obtains them

١٦. في سورةِ الصفّ أتتْ
آيته لو اطّلعْ

17. The benefits it contains
In the abode of this world where

١٧. على المعاني نلتُها
نيلَ الذي بها انتفع

18. Every good has been gathered
Thanks be to Allah

١٨. في منزلِ الدنيا الذي
لكلُّ خيرِ قد جَمَع

19. Who blessed me and averted
From me what I fear

١٩. والشكر لله الذي
منَّ عليَّ ودفع

20. On the Day of Resurrection and panic
And in His inscription came

٢٠. عني ما احذره
يومَ النشور والفَزَع

21. "This is the reward of one who followed
In his covenant and deed

٢١. وجاء في توقيعه
هذا جزاء من تبع

22. Our Messenger in what he legislated
And everything he brought

٢٢. بعقده وفعله
رسولُنا فيما شرع

23. Of legislation revealed to him
He did not hesitate for an hour

٢٣. وكلُّ ما جاء به
إليه من شرعٍ نزع

24. Nor invent or innovate"
His face will be light when

٢٤. وما توانى ساعةً
وما افترى وما ابتدع

25. The light shines forth on the Day of Gathering
So praise be to Allah

٢٥. فوجهه النور إذا
ما النور في الحشر سطع

26. Who is praised whether He gives or withholds
With this He sent us His revelation

٢٦. فالحمدُ لله الذي
يُحمد أعطى أو منع

27. So the tongues of creation followed
In that He said through

٢٧. بذا أتانا وحيُه
فألسنُ الخلقِ تبع

28. His tongue what He legislated
For him from what he says

٢٨. بأنه قال على
لسانِه ما قد شَرَع

29. Upon an imam who follows
The saying of one steadfast

٢٩. له بمما يقوله
على مُصلٍّ متبع

30. Not an innovating person
And what glory is like this

٣٠. إمام قولٍ مقيّد
ليس بشخصٍ مبتدع

31. And what pride has been heard
He wakes as a repentant servant

٣١. وأيّ مجد مثل ذا
وأيّ فخر قد سمع

32. Turn away from me when he says I heard
By Allah, by Allah, the one

٣٢. أصبح عبداً تائباً
عني إذا قال سمع

33. Who praises Him, this is what happened

٣٣. الله والله لمن
حمدُه كذا وقع