
You were born of me and of the One

تولدت عني وعن واحد

1. You were born of me and of the One
So you were named the Absent, the Witness

١. تولدتَ عني وعن واحدٍ
فسميتَ بالغائبِ الشاهد

2. Had I not accepted and named Him
You wouldn't have existed from me and the One

٢. فلولا قبولي وأسماؤه
لما كنت عني وعن واحد

3. O you whose attribute is in His eyes
And whose attributed isn't redundant

٣. فيا من هو النعتُ في عينه
ومَن نعتُه ليس بالزائدِ

4. I have attempted something I couldn't do
As prey attempts against the hunter

٤. لقد رمتُ أمراً فلم أستطع
كما رامه الصَّيد بالصائدِ

5. It evades his arrow intentionally
But how can it evade the intent?

٥. تراوغُ عن سهمه قاصداً
وأين الفِرارُ من القاصد

6. Of the wondrous matters is that I, by it
Initiated though it wasn't of my own accord

٦. ومِن أعجبِ الأمر أني به
صدرت ولم يك عن واردِ

7. How can I initiate when in my heart
Is either a reciter or a distracted one?

٧. وكيفَ الصدورُ وما في الصدورِ
سوى مقبلٍ عنه أو شارد

8. I transcended when you transcended
And you aren't the One, the Findable

٨. تعاليتُ لما تعاليتم
وما أنت بالواحد الواجد

9. I'm one, findable since you are
And to my eyes I'm not lacking

٩. أنا واحدٌ واجدٌ كونكم
ولستُ لعيني بالفاقد

10. I'm fixed, I'm not in need of one who affirms
Just as I'm not in need of an ennobler

١٠. أنا ثابتٌ لستُ عن مثبت
كما أنا عن موجِدٍ ماجد

11. His riches in our entities
Is impossible, according to the petitioner

١١. فإنّ غناه بأعياننا
مُحالٌ عليه لدى الناشد

12. But it's as He said it Himself
Needless of the observing world

١٢. ولكنه مثلُ ما قاله
غنيٌ عن العالم الراصد

13. That Needless One, without doubt
And beware the grip of the binder

١٣. وذاك الغنيُّ بلا مِرية
وإياك من نفثةِ العاقد

14. Exalted in His essence from poverty
Is the ascendance over the dormant

١٤. تعالى عن الفقر في ذاته
علوّ الحفيظِ على الراقد

15. I sought refuge in Him from Him
As I sought refuge from an envious concealer

١٥. تعوّذتُ منه به مثلَ ما
تعوّذت من غاسقٍ حاسد

16. So my attribute is staying in my abode
As His attribute from Him is the visitor

١٦. فنعتي الإقامة في موطني
كما نعته عنه بالوافد

17. My Lord descends to His creation
No description of the creation as ascendable

١٧. فينزل ربي إلى خلقِه
ولا وَصفٌ للخلقِ بالصَّاعد

18. To Him, but by His signs
As stated in the decisive Scripture

١٨. إليه ولكن لآياته
كما جاء في المحكم النافذ

19. He accepts and denies, His acceptance
And where is the accepter from the denier?

١٩. يقرّ ويجحّد إقرارُه
وأين المقرُّ من الجاحدِ

20. I adorn Him and He is my adornment
As the heart adorns the wrist

٢٠. أزينه وهو لي زينة
كما زيّن القلبُ بالساعدِ

21. You dismissed those whose nearness you disliked
And named Your servant the dismissive

٢١. طردتَ الذي لم تُرد قربَه
وسميتَ عبدَك بالطاردِ

22. If God tests His servants
The knower of the worshipper wins

٢٢. إذا امتحن الله عبّادَه
نفوزُ بمعرفةِ العابدِ

23. As a mother beats her children
To expose the station of the parent

٢٣. كما الأمُّ تضربُ أولادها
لتظهر مرتبةُ الوالدِ

24. His generosity called me to sustain it
So I came with the delegation like a visitor

٢٤. دعاني إلى رفدِه جودُه
فجئتُ مع الوفدِ كالوافد

25. And with me was my state when I came to Him
Not all who walked are like the sitter

٢٥. وكان معي حالَ ما جئتُه
وما كلُّ من سارَ كالقاعدِ

26. So my travel with Him is like my travel to Him
Thus I'm attributed as the driver, the guide

٢٦. فسيري به مثلَ سيري له
فأنعتُ بالسائقِ القائد

27. I ward off harm from the side of guidance
No knowledge among people of the warder

٢٧. أذود الردى عن جناب الهدى
لا علم في الناس بالذائد

28. And I didn't ward it off from Him except by Him
So what a disappointment for the deviant world!

٢٨. وما ذدته عنه إلاّ به
فيا خيبة العالمِ الحائدِ