
With what you said that it is the very essence of me

بالذي قلت إنه عين ما بي

1. With what you said that it is the very essence of me
Of asking, and logic, and answering

١. بالذي قلت إنه عين ما بي
من سؤالٍ ومنطقٍ وجوابِ

2. Today it cooled the heat in my heart
So accepting it is the very essence of my turning

٢. برّد اليوم عن فؤادي غليلا
فقبولي عليه عينُ انقلابي

3. With my existence I knew it and with my soul
So it is part of it as the lining of clothing

٣. بوجودي عرفته وبنفسي
فهو منها بنا كحشو إهابِ

4. It became clear from me so I said my beloved appeared
So it showed me in distance the very essence of my nearing

٤. بانَ عني فقلتُ بان حبيبي
فأراني في البعد عين اقترابي

5. You slept then he said no but we were ignorant
So for that he doesn't say what's with me and what's with me

٥. بنتم قال لا ولكن جهلنا
فلذا ما يقول ما بي وما بي

6. With passion you transcended and shared with me
In the name of my love and longing for absence

٦. بالهوى فزتمُ وشاركتموني
في اسم حبيّ والشوقُ للغيابِ

7. You replaced sanity with misguidance in us
And it is the sanity of the righteous and loved ones

٧. بعتم الرشد بالغَواية فينا
وهو رُشد الهداةِ والأحباب

8. You are a pearl in perfection so why did I
Say with deficiency that I am in veil

٨. بدرة أنت بالكمال فما لي
قلت بالنقصِ إنني في حجاب

9. With my veil I knew that when
I came to you I came with a wondrous matter

٩. بحجابي علمت أني لما
جئتكم جئتكم بأمرٍ عُجاب

10. Explain our matter to every understanding one
In speech, if you wish, or in writing

١٠. بينوا أمرنا لكل لبيبٍ
في كلامٍ إن شئتم أو كتاب