
I swear by Him whom you know

إني لأقسم بالذي تدريه

1. I swear by Him whom you know
In all I decide or execute

١. إني لأقسم بالذي تدريه
في كل ما أمضيه أو أجريه

2. If what the Legislator has forbidden were sold
The seller would suffer loss though he feigns to offer it

٢. لو بيع من منع المشرع بيعة
لحق الخسار ببائع يشريه

3. And if he follows the example of Joseph's brothers
That is a judgment we all know

٣. وإن اقتدى فيه بإخوة يوسفَ
فلذاك حكمٌ كلنا ندريه

4. We worshipped according to Muhammad's Law
And this much advice suffices

٤. إنا تعبدنا بشرع محمدٍ
وكفاك هذا القدر من تنبيه

5. I do not prefer any community
Brought out to mankind in glorification or analogy

٥. أنا لا أفضل أمّة قد أخرجت
للناسِ في تنزيه أو تشبيه

6. He by whose excellence time has been judged
Judgment of destiny satisfies him

٦. إن الذي قال الزمان بفضله
حكمُ القضاءِ بما يرضيه

7. You see him unique in his time in his state
In all he desires or decrees

٧. فتراه واحدَ عَصرِه في حاله
في كلِّ ما يبغيه أو يمضيه

8. I have followed for every proponent of a doctrine
That which cures him that is established with him

٨. إني اتبعت لكلِّ صاحبِ علةٍ
استحكمت منه التي تشفيه

9. So when the discourse is to our Lord from our secret
I do not disclose what I hide of what I divulge

٩. فإذا الخطاب لربنا من سرِّنا
أني لما أُبديه ما أخفيه

10. He who cannot appreciate what I have given him
In himself from me, I do not want him

١٠. من ليس يقدر قدر ما أعطيته
في نفسه مني فما أبغيه

11. He is ignorant of the realities who confuses their matter
And the learned man made happy is he who transcends him

١١. جهلَ الحقائقَ من يخلط أمرها
والعالمُ المسعودُ من يلغيه

12. I have made for every right a place
Which the person possessing it knows

١٢. إني جعلت لكلِّ حقِّ موطناً
يدري به الشخصُ الذي في فيه

13. The jewels of rhetoric arranged and rhymed
So he has sway over me by existing in it

١٣. دررُ البيانِ مسرَّحاً ومقيَّداً
فله التحكم من وجودي فيه