
It is greatest to know Him, so believe

الأمر أعظم أن يدرى فيعتقدا

1. It is greatest to know Him, so believe
In His reality in general and detail

١. الأمر أعظمُ أن يُدرَى فيعتقدا
على الحقيقة إجمالاً وتفصيلا

2. Words fall short in describing Him
Known by those who recite the Quran with devotion

٢. عنه العبارة في الألفاظ قاصرةٌ
يدريه من رتَّل القرآن ترتيلا

3. Neither can the attributes encompass Him
Nor can the intellect confine Him, in revelation or reason

٣. ولا التصوُّر في الألقاب يضبطه
ولا يقيده عقلا ًوتنزيلا

4. For each limited thing is defined by its form
And what cannot be grasped remains unknown

٤. فحدُّه كل محدود بصورته
وما تناهتْ فيبقى الأمر مجهولا

5. I know Him only through inner vision
Not through senses or rational thought

٥. فلست أعرفه إلا مشاهدة
ولستُ أشهده حسّاً ومعقولا

6. His appearance is too lofty, as His outer form is most High
His manifestation was clear in the Text and its interpretation

٦. قد جل مظهرُه إذ جلَّ ظاهرُه
وحلَّ مظهرُه نصّاً وتأويلا

7. The insights and thoughts cannot combine
To fathom Him, decisively or in detail

٧. إنَّ البصائر والأفكار ما اجتمعت
فيه وقد عجرت قطعاً وتفصيلا

8. If you say through the senses you will not attain His rising
Or through the intellect, analyzing and deducing

٨. إن قلتَ بالحسِّ لم تظفر بطلعته
أو قلتَ بالعقلِ تبديلا وتحويلا

9. Imagination judges while imaginations recognize Him
Yet never have I seen imagination yield results regarding Him

٩. فالوهم يحكم والأوهامُ يعرفها
والوهم لم أر فيه قط محصولا

10. Neither the rational being nor the keen observer
Can grasp what cannot be connected or divided

١٠. وليس يدرك ُذو عقلٍ وذو بصرٍ
ما ليس يدرك موصولاً ومفصولا

11. The minds of the wise have been perplexed by Him
As have the thoughts of those who wish to misguide about Him

١١. حارت عقولُ ذوي الألباب فيه كما
حارتْ خواطر مَنْ يبغيه تضليلا