1. Reflect, O wise scribe,
On matters spoken by the discerning sage,
١. تدبر أيها الحبرُ اللبيبُ
أموراً قالها الفطنُ المصيبُ
2. And comprehend the meanings he intended for you,
Encased in his sweet, wondrous words.
٢. وحقِّق ما رمى لك من معانٍ
حواها لفظُه العذبُ العجيب
3. Do not let him suffer in his elements,
As your sublime, strange body grows weary.
٣. ولا تنظره في الكوان تشقى
ويتعب جسمُك الفَذّ الغريب
4. Now that you have transcribed him, why should I
Yearn for distance when meaning lies close?
٤. إذا ما كنت نسختها فما لي
أروم البعد والمعنى قريب