1. Happy are those who scorn their worth,
And so accept the world's decree and rule.
١. طابتْ مطاعم من يحقر قدره
فمضى على حكم الوجودِ وما سطا
2. Rejoice! For in rejoicing, if sincere,
Their traits betray them, lifting veils.
٢. طِّنب ففي التطنيب إن حققته
متوّسِّماً بسماته كشفَ الغطا
3. You rejoiced, and your joy made bliss thine
In a noble presence. Shun distorting truth,
٣. طبتم فطاب بك النعيمُ بحضرةٍ
فاحذر من التحريفِ كن متوسِّطا
4. But seek the mean. Blest is he, Lord of might,
Answering horizons with unfailing promise.
٤. طوبى له من مالكٍ متملكٍ
جوَّابِ آفاقِ وعدٍ لا مُسقطا
5. His acts of obedience return to bless his face
Because he obeyed, and never sought reward.
٥. طاعاته مردودةٌ في وجهه
لما أطاع وما رأى عين العطا
6. The wise man circles his abode devoutly,
Humble, refined, restraining restless hands.
٦. طافَ اللبيبُ ببيته متديناً
متواضعاً متهذباً متثبطا
7. His days were gladdened when they saw
The Caliph ruling most justly.
٧. طربت به أيامه لما رأتْ
أن الخليفة في الحكومةِ أقسطا
8. The lamps of guidance were extinguished by his passion,
And he rode the bridle-less steed of the blind.
٨. طفئت مصابيح الهدى بهوائه
وعلى مطا طرق العماء قد امتطى
9. The minds of prudent men were crazed by his conduct
When he incited and roused them.
٩. طاشتْ عقول ذوي النُّهى من سيره
لما أتاه محرِّضاً ومنشطا
10. Purify your clothes, for purity is law
Brought by prophets in pages of the Book.
١٠. طهِّر ثيابك فالطهور شريعةٌ
جاءت بها الأرسال في ضَفَفِ الخطا