
He came near and a worshipper of the Lord bowed down

دنا وتدلى عبد رب وربه

1. He came near and a worshipper of the Lord bowed down
When we met, I found none other but the One

١. دنا وتدلَّى عبدُ ربٍّ وربه
فلما التقينا لم أجد غيرَ واحدِ

2. Forever with the world in every state
And in the other realm with the most just Witness

٢. دواماً مع الدنيا على كل حالةٍ
وفي الساحة الأخرى بأعدلِ شاهد

3. I called Him until when He responded to me
I saw the echo flowing, so I was like one who had lost

٣. دعوت به حتى إذا ما استجاب لي
رأيتُ الصدى يجري فكنت كفاقد

4. They blamed me for Him, so I would see other than my existence
Therefore I see among the pleasures and the tombs

٤. دووا بي عليه كي أرى غيرَ موجودي
لذاك أرى بين السُّهى والفراقدِ

5. He called me to Him in prostration, so when
I prostrated to Him, my intentions failed before Him

٥. دعاني إليه بالسجودِ فعندما
سجدتُ له خابت لديه مقاصدي

6. And you, O this, have no veil so stand
In the honor of the Worshipped and the humiliation of the worshipper

٦. ولا لك يا هذا حجابك فلتقم
بعزةِ معبودٍ وذلةِ عابدِ

7. I was called so when I came, He honored my sitting
And said to us, welcome to the most generous visitor

٧. دُعيتُ فلما جئت أكرَمَ مجلسي
وقال لنا أهلاً بأكرم وارد

8. And I walked when what He said to me came
And He fed me a delicious taste of promises

٨. ومشيت لما قد جاءني من خطابه
وأطعمني ذوقاً لذيذَ المواعد

9. The permanence of witnessing the Essence in Him, for whoever realizes
When God tries him with poisoned arrows

٩. دوامُ شهودِ الذاتِ فيه لمن درى
إذا ما ابتلاه الله سمّ الأساود

10. Let the matter proceed from Him, not from you, and calm down
Be among the protected, precious pearls

١٠. دعِ الأمر يجري منه لا منك واتئد
تكن في عِداد المحصناتِ الفرائدِ