
I am content with what has come to pass, so resign yourself

أقنع بما قد جرى به تسلمي

1. I am content with what has come to pass, so resign yourself
For my feet are no longer settled in one place

١. أقنع بما قد جرى به تسلمي
فإنه ما استقرَّ بي قدمي

2. And I gather as the mysteries of my being gathered
The quintessence of words in spiritual retreats

٢. وإنني جامعٌ كما جمعتْ
أسرارُ كوني جوامعَ الكلمِ

3. So it became clear to me that though I conversed
With myself as you see, my feet kept climbing

٣. فبان لي أنني وإنْ حدثتُ
ذاتي على ما ترى علا قدمي

4. But in the state of constancy, even if
What I found kept me in nonexistence

٤. لكن على حالة الثبوت وإن
أوجدني ما برحت في العدم

5. And everything I have said was told to me
By my God in the Tablet and the Pen

٥. وكلّ ما قد قلت أخبرني
به إلهي في اللوح والقلم

6. So why should I care about what escapes me if
What I mentioned is my judgment and wisdom

٦. فما أبالي بما يفوت إذا
كان الذي قد ذكرته حكمي

7. And everything I utter in details
Contains wisdom in it

٧. وإنه كل ما أفوه به
من التفاصيل فيه من حكم

8. It is nothing but Him, so consider
In the transcript of light the gloom of darkness

٨. ما هي شيءٌ سواه فاعتبروا
في نسخة النور من دُجى الظلم

9. For that is the unseen, and its testimony
Is established among witnesses like knowledge is known

٩. فتلك غيبٌ وذا شهادتُه
قامتْ له في الشهود كالعلم