1. The souls were wedded to their bodies
When man revealed their essence
١. زوَّجتِ الأنفسُ أبدانها
إذ أظهر الإنسان أعيانَها
2. And nature firmly established in them desire
When the Creator firmly constructed them
٢. وأحكم الطبعُ بها شهوةً
إذ أحكم الصانعُ بُنيانها
3. The Merciful settled him in a garden
Where he plays with houris and youths
٣. أسكنه الرحمن في جنة
يلاعبُ الحور وولدانها
4. He went around with a cup and a pitcher
While the Merciful's servants waited upon him
٤. أطاف بالكاسِ وإبريقه
رحمانه عليه غلمانها
5. When he came to the mound of heat
Seeking sights to delight his eyes
٥. لما أتى عند كثيبِ الحمى
يطلبُ للأبصارِ رحمانها
6. If only our souls knew their own essence
They would together recite their Quran
٦. أنفسنا لو عرفتْ ذاتها
لأقرأت بالجمع قرآنها
7. Glory to Him whose wisdom confused them
So they know not their own Quran
٧. سبحان من حيرَّها حكمة
فيها فلا تعرفُ قُرقانها