1. They camped in Wadi al-Aqeeq at nightfall
And crossed every deep ravine
١. سُحَيراً أَناخوا بِوادي العَقيقِ
وَقَد قَطَعوا كُلَّ فَجٍّ عَميقِ
2. When dawn broke they saw a flag that they do not fear to lower
When the eagle swooped down on it, it could not prevail
٢. فَما طَلَعَ الفَجرُ إِلّا وَقَد
رَأَوا عَلَماً لا يَخافونَ نيقِ
3. So its eggs were below it, prey for the falcons
On it were engraved ornaments
٣. إِذا رامَهُ النِسرُ لَم يَستَطِع
فَمِن دونِهِ كانَ بَيضُ الأَنوقِ
4. With lofty foundations like an unassailable fortress
And they had composed verses which they deposited
٤. عَلَيهِ زَخارِفُ مَنقوشَةٌ
رَفيعُ القَواعِدِ مِثلُ العَقوقِ
5. Lo! Who will quench the yearning of a strange passionate one
Whose ambition surpasses this firmament
٥. وَقَد كَتَبوا أَسطُراً أَودَعوها
أَلا مَن لَصَبَّ غَريبٍ مَشوقِ
6. And who treads with slipper the tread of the burning sands
Whose dwelling is near this cliff
٦. لَهُ هِمَّةٌ فَوقَ هذا السَماكِ
وَيوطَأُ بِالخُفِّ وَطءَ الحَريقِ
7. Who perished in tears, perishing like one who is drowned
Passion delivered him to misfortunes
٧. وَمَسكِنُهُ عِندَ هذا العُقابِ
وَقَد ماتَ في الدَمعِ مَوتَ الغَريقِ
8. In this place, without any sympathizer
So O you who come to water your camels at Qalib
٨. قَد اِسلَمَهُ الحُبُّ لِلحادِثاتِ
بِهذا المَكانِ بِغَيرِ شَفيقِ
9. And O you who reside in Wadi al-Aqeeq
And O you who seek Taybah as a visitor
٩. فَيا وارِدينَ مِياهَ القَليبِ
وَيا ساكِنينَ بِوادي العَقيقِ
10. And O you who travel on this road
Awaken us for we were broken
١٠. وَيا طالِباً طَيبَةً زائِراً
وَيا سالِكينَ بِهذا الطَريقِ
11. Near dawn after night has camped
With a white, radiant, alluring one
١١. أَفيقوا عَلَينا فَإِنّا رُزِئنا
بُعَيدَ السُحَيرِ قُبَيلَ الشُروقِ
12. Scented with musk, so very chaste
Swaying drunkenly like branches
١٢. بِبَيضاءَ غَيداءَ بَهتانَةً
تُضَوَّعُ نَشراً كَمِسكٍ فَتيقِ
13. Blown by the winds, like anemones
With a formidable buttock like the hump of a she-camel
١٣. تَمايَلُ سَكرى كَمِثلِ الغُصونِ
ثَنَتها الرِياحُ كَمِثلِ الشَقيقِ
14. Swaying like the crest of a wave
So my passion in her love is not refused
١٤. بِرِدفٍ مَهولٍ كَدِعصِ النَقا
تَرَجرَجَ مِثلَ سَنامِ الفَنيقِ
15. Nor is my friendship in her love rejected
And if my passion in her love were refused
١٥. فَما لا مَني في هَواها عَذولٌ
وَلا لامَني في هَواها صَديقي
16. My only response would be my death rattle
So my fervent love is my mount, my sorrow my garb
١٦. وَلَو لامَني في هَواها عَذولٌ
لَكانَ جَوابي إِلَيهِ شَهيقي
17. My anguish my wakeup call and my tears my downpour
١٧. فَشَوقي رِكابي وَحُزني لِباسي
وَوَجدي صَبوحي وَدَمعي غَبوقي