
If the matter cannot be done, then pretend it is done

إذا الأمر لم يمكن فكنه فإنه

1. If the matter cannot be done, then pretend it is done
For the essence of my words is to be as if it were

١. إذا الأمر لم يمكن فكنه فإنه
قصارى حديثي أن أكونَ كأنهُ

2. Thus came the text of the law in more than one place
So whoever does not believe me will know that he

٢. بذا جاء نصُّ الشرع في غير موضعٍ
فمن لم يصدقني فيعلم أنهُ

3. Is turned away from the truth to other than its direction
And from witnessing the verification, my Lord avert it

٣. عن الحقِّ مصروفٌ إلى غير وجهه
وعن مشهد التحقيق ربي أكنه

4. And I know the meaning that stood up straight
Upon its supreme throne when He arranged it

٤. وأعلمُ ما المعنى الذي قام واستوى
على عرشه العلويِّ حين اجنَّه

5. And it is nothing but His nearness, there is nothing else
And if it had distance, His ear would hear

٥. وما هو إلا قربه ليس غيره
ولو كان ذا بعد لأسمعَ أذنه

6. Eloquent speech, its voice piercing the hearing
And it would deposit in the one speaking to His ear

٦. خطاباً بليغاً يخرق السمعَ صوتُه
ويودعُ فيه من تكلم أذنه

7. A deposit of truth, not a deposit of trickery
So he spends his morning chastising himself for what has passed

٧. وديعةَ حقٍّ لا وديعةَ حيلةٍ
فيضحى لما قد فات يقرعُ منه

8. As did the archer who missed his arrow
So his prey escaped and sorrow seized his heart

٨. كما صنع الرامي الذي جاز سهمه
فريسته فاستلزم القلبَ حزنه

9. So expand the place of constraint within yourself with wisdom
For one whom the Merciful expands, his sorrow is eased

٩. فوسع مكانَ الضيقِِ منك تخلقا
فمن وسعَ الرحمن سهل حزنه

10. And things are only set right by their own selves
For escape may be reversed into a time of gathering

١٠. ولا شطر الأشياء الا بعينها
فقد يقلبُ الفرار وقتاً مجنه

11. If you are one with knowledge of what you are doing
Then let us know so we may attain its excellence

١١. إذا كنت ذا خبر لما أنت صانعٌ
له فعلمنا أنْ ستدرك حسنه

12. Consider when a person presents an egg
Which is everything from a person presenting his body

١٢. تأمل إذا ما قرَّبَ الشخصُ بيضة
هي الكل من شخص يقرّب بدنه

13. And he prefers the like of it and more
This is evidence if you verify with your eye

١٣. ويفضل عنها مثلها وزيادة
وهذا دليلٌ إن تحققت عينه

14. So take with the existence of truth as long as you are here
And leave nothing behind you to gather

١٤. فخذ بالوجودِ الحقِّ ما دمت ههنا
ولا تبق شيئاً خلفكم لتجنه

15. For whoever institutes good obtains from each aggressor
His good in action when it was his tradition

١٥. فمن سنّ خيراً حاز من كل معتد
به خيره بالفعلِ إذ كان سنه