
I am the owner of the kingdom who said that I

أنا صاحب الملك الذي قال إنني

1. I am the owner of the kingdom who said that I
Am his deputy with the most truthful saying

١. أنا صاحبُ الملك الذي قال إنني
أنا نائبٌ فيه بأصدقِ قيلِ

2. If my kingdom were not, it would not be correct that I see
Its mandated and the right in it is my attorney

٢. ولو لم يكن ملكي لما صح أن أرى
موكله والحقُّ فيه وكيلي

3. And about our order was our deputy to it
And proof of my claim and the eye of my evidence

٣. وعن أمرنا كانت وكالتنا له
وبرهان دعوايَ وعين دليلي

4. A book for it is a right and in it is his admission
With what I said in it so the way is my way

٤. كتابٌ له حقٌ وفيه اعترافه
بما قلت فيه فالسبيلُ سبيلي

5. He speaks with the opposites of things and his existence
So I was confused in it and he is the best friend

٥. يقول بأضدادِ الأمورِ وجوده
فقد حرتُ فيه وهو خير خليل

6. I was amazed by him from an absent one while he is present
With the notification of news and the sending of a messenger

٦. عجبت له من غائب وهو حاضر
بتنغيذ أخبار وبعثِ رسول

7. To whom and that the eye is the eye of his existence
And from whom we missed so how is my arrival

٧. إلى مَن وإنَّ العينَ عينُ وجودِه
وممن فقد حرنا فكيف وصولي

8. To a place in which there is no strange eye
And no confusion in it, the healing of a friend

٨. إلى منزلٍ ما فيه عينٌ غريبةٌ
ولا حيرةٌ فيها شفاءُ خليل