
Glorious is He who has become our desire

سبحان من صار لنا مطلبا

1. Glorious is He who has become our desire
Whether I seek Him in the east or west

١. سبحان من صار لنا مطلباً
أطلبه شرَّق أم غرَّبا

2. My inner self made Him the east
And my outer self made Him the west

٢. فباطني صيَّره مشرقا
وظاهري صيره مغربا

3. And He said to me, all are Me, so seek
The one who made Himself the sought

٣. وقال لي الكل أنا فاطلبوا
على الذي صيَّره مطلبا

4. So my heart was occupied with the one who said to me
Then the Truth established for us a ship

٤. فاهتم قلبي للذي قال لي
فأنشأ الحقُّ لنا مركبا

5. I rode in it fleeing, seeking
Our salvation, but I did not find an escape

٥. ركبتُ فيه هربا أبتغي
نجاتَنا فلم أجد مَهربا

6. I seek Him in the essence of ourselves
And our essence I seek kneaded

٦. أطلبه بالكشفِ من ذاتنا
وذاتنا أطلبها مُطِنبا

7. So we tore down the building of His essence
And thought kneaded in our selves

٧. فكشفنا قوَّض بنيانه
والفكر في أنفسنا طنبا

8. Ahmad told me of his inner unveiling
In the beginning of the state, the time of youth

٨. أخبرني أحمد عن كشفه
في أول الحالِ زمانَ الصبى

9. That he saw in his sleep
The angels of Jesus like the man of Dubai

٩. بأنه أبصرَ في نومه
أملاك عيسى مثل رجل الدبى

10. The day I went out seeking Mecca
And Yathrib and a mosque in Qubaa

١٠. يومَ خروجي طالباً مكةَ
ويثربا ومسجدا في قبا

11. They said: We have descended as guards
To the seal of prophets, the chosen one

١١. قالوا نزلنا رسلا حفظا
ختم النبي المصطفى المجتبى

12. Muhammad, so let him intend, and intend him
For his sword in its truthfulness did not fail

١٢. محمد فليقصد واقصده
فسيفُه في صدقه ما نبا

13. And his arrow in what he aimed was piercing
And his manner in his glory did not bend

١٣. وسهمه فيما رمى نافذ
وطرفه في شأوهِ ما كبا

14. The Truth presented to him that which
In His kingdom, deputyship, but he refused

١٤. قد عرضَ الحقّ عليه الذي
في ملكه ولايةً فأبى

15. Except the obscurity of mentioning until he sees
As if he is the chosen one in the chosen

١٥. إلا خمول الذكر حتى يرى
كأنه المختار في المجتبى

16. And we are his supporters if he appears
To fight the nearest, then the nearest

١٦. ونحن أنصار له إن بدا
يحاربُ الأقرب فالأقربا

17. Thus the wind is subjugated to him
A south wind after the wind of morning

١٧. كذلك الريح له سخرت
ريح جنوبٍ بعد ريحِ الصَّبا

18. An Alid inheritance he attained
From Ahmad the best of creation appointed

١٨. وراثة علوية نالها
من أحمد خير الورى منصبا

19. And this good tidings came to us
By one tried in truthfulness, he will not lie

١٩. وهذه البشرى أتانا بها
مجربٌ في الصدقِ لن يكذبا