1. These were brought to you by messengers of guidance as magic,
So with guidance you are guided and your guide.
١. هذي أتتك بها رُسلُ الهدى سحراً
فبالهدى أنت مهديٌّ وهاديكا
2. The Lord loved you with it, loving-kindness and honor,
So listen to it as a reward when it calls you.
٢. ربٌّ حباك به حُباً وتكرمةً
فاصغِ إليه جزاءً إذ يناديكا
3. For you are more generous than we hope for your feelings,
And do not let what comes to you as enemies deceive you.
٣. فأنتَ أكرمُ من نرجو عواطفه
ولا يغرنَك ما تأتي أعاديكا
4. With them to you, they are enemies of what they ignored,
And make for it the station of revelation your caller.
٤. بهم إليك فهم أعداء ما جهلوا
واجعل له منزلَ التنزيلِ ناديكا
5. And say to it, "Guidance, O my ultimate hope,
I, by your right, do not disobey the caller to you."
٥. وقل له الهدى يا منتهى أملي
إني وحقك ما أعصى مناديكا
6. Muhammad the best of messengers says, when
He casts to his companion, "I will benefit you."
٦. محمداً خيرَ مبعوثٍ يقول إذا
يرمي لصاحبه إني أفاديكا