
If a man comes upon a truth of knowledge,

إن صادف الإنسان علما من الحق

1. If a man comes upon a truth of knowledge,
It is not knowledge to him, and he is in mere taste,

١. إن صادف الإنسان علماً من الحق
فليس بعلم عنده وهو في الذوق

2. For the one who said it by unveiling, it is verified knowledge,
By which man sits in the seat of truth.

٢. لمن قاله بالكشف علم محقق
به يقعد الإنسان في مقعد الصدق

3. And none has attained it except an abstracted imam,
Pure from misleading garb and vanity.

٣. وما حازه إلا إمامٌ مجرَّدٌ
نزيه عن الثوبِ المحيّر والريق

4. By it man drinks the water of his life,
By it ears split open, if they are bound.

٤. به يشربُ الإنسان ماء حياته
به تفتق الأسماع إنْ كُنَّ في رَتقِ

5. When a sun rises from the Lord, it makes
Its rising turn the realized west into east.

٥. إذا طلعت شمسٌ من الرب صيّرت
بمطلعها الغرب المحقق في شرق

6. The unbelievers of Cana and the elect, and his caliph,
And the judgment of God in him returns to the first.

٦. كفار وقنا والمنتقى وخليفته
وقد عاد حكم الله فيه لذي السَّبق

7. So if it were from unveiling he would not be weeping,
And if it were from assumption he would not speak of manumission.

٧. فلو كان عن كشف لما كان باكياً
ولو كان عن ظنٍّ لما قال بالعتق