
Praise be to the First and the Last

الحمد للأول والآخر

1. Praise be to the First and the Last
The One, the Hidden and the Manifest

١. الحمد للأوَّلِ والآخر
الأحد الباطنِ والظاهر

2. Through His Oneness of Greatness I knew Him
Whom the Merciful established in my heart

٢. بوحدةِ الكبر عرفت الذي
قرَّره الرحمن في خاطري

3. Indeed, Richness is an attribute fixed for Him
In the mind of the wise and thoughtful observer

٣. إنَّ الغنى وصفٌ له ثابتٌ
عند اللبيب العاقلِ الناظر

4. Transmission has proven His names
For His penetrating and confounding wisdom

٤. والنقلُ قد أثبت أسماءَه
لحكمتهِ الخابرِ والحائر

5. Unveiling has spoken of this and that
For He is overwhelming in the splendid scene

٥. والكشفُ قد قال بهذا وذا
لأنه في الموقفِ الباهر

6. He overwhelms the learned with Richness
And overwhelms the transmitter with the Overwhelmer

٦. يبهر أربابَ الحجى بالغنى
ويبهر الناقلُ بالحابر

7. And He judges, as He is within Himself
For the First and the Last

٧. وهو على ما هو في نفسه
يحكم للأوَّل والآخر