1. God sent down a light to be illuminated by
Upon the heart of a prophet whose secret is God's
١. الله أنزلَ نوراً يُستضاء به
على فؤاد نبيٍّ سرَّه الله
2. It came to him, his soul from above the highest
Heaven to his heart, and God is the Hearer
٢. أتى به روحه من فوق أرقعة
سبعٍ إلى فلبه والسامعُ الله
3. From Him to him was the descent, and to Him
So there is none in existence but the One God
٣. منه إليه به كان النزول له
فليس في الكون إلا الواحدُ الله
4. The body and attributes witnessed in it, and what
Is unseen, if you do not see it, that is God
٤. والجسمُ والعَرَضُ المشهودُ فيه وما
في الغيب ما ان تراه ذلك الله
5. There is no contradiction in what I say, for I
Am the essence of the many, and My essence is the One God
٥. ولا تناقضَ فيما قلتُه فأنا
عينُ الكثير وعيني الواحد الله
6. Of the wonders of the matter is that the Ruler from non-existence
In the essence of existence, so where is the servant and where is God?
٦. من اعجب الأمر أن الحكم من عدم
في عين كونٍ فأين العبدُ والله
7. The eye witnesses creation coming from non-existence
And the matter is truth, and the eye of the Seer is God
٧. فالعين تشهد خلقاً جاء من عدم
والأمر حقاً وعين المبصرِ الله
8. To Him belongs the right, to Him the two eyes in the news
That came from Him, the Coming One, He is God
٨. له اليمين له العينان في خبر
أتى به منه الآتي هو الله
9. So the judgment is mine and His, the eye of existence, and what
The eye has of me is no existence, but He is God
٩. فالحكم لي وله عين الوجود وما
للعين مني وجودٌ بل هو الله
10. So look at Him in a tree, and look at Him in a rock
And look at Him in everything, that is God
١٠. فانظره في شجر وانظره في حجرٍ
وانظره في كل شيء ذلك الله
11. All the names are His; if you understand Him
He is the One named by them, so all are God
١١. كل الأسامي له إن كنت تعقله
هو المسمى بها فكلها الله
12. If an ignorant one says "I am ignorant" and not
By God ignorance, so my being is not God
١٢. فلو يقول جهولٌ قد جهلت وما
بالله جهلٌ فما كوني هو الله
13. Say to him "That is the eye's judgment of it, and who
Knows what you said, that it is God?"
١٣. فقل له ذاك حكم العين فيه ومن
يدري الذي قلته بأنه الله
14. There is nothing, by God, but perplexity made plain
And I swore by it, and the One I swore by is God
١٤. ما ثَم والله إلا حيرةٌ ظهرتْ
وبي حلفت وإنَّ المقسم الله
15. If there was any existence other than God
The One would not be alone in existence, God
١٥. لو كان ثَم وجودٌ ما هو الله
لم ينفردْ بالوجودِ الواحدِ الله
16. But origination is for us and what follows it
And these are attributes; the Eternal is God
١٦. بل الحدوثُ لنا وما يتابعه
وهذه نسب والثابتُ الله
17. He acts for us while we are in non-existence
And we witness Him, and the Witness is God
١٧. ينوب عنا وأنا منه في عدمٍ
ونحن نشهدُه والشاهدُ الله