1. I saw an existence, not bounded by any description,
Nor is it limited to be confined and measured.
١. إني رأيت وجوداً لا يقيده
نعتٌ ولا هو محدود فينحصرُ
2. It is the one who knows what's within the limit,
Yet nothing knows about the one who has no equal.
٢. في الحدِّ وهو الذي في الحدِّ يعرفه
وما له في الذي يدري به خبرُ
3. The essence is too pure for its seeker to comprehend,
Glory be to Him, exalted above what any mind can conceive.
٣. تنزهتْ ذاتُ من قد حار طالبها
سبحانه جل أنْ تحظى به الفكر
4. He made me an example and elevated me,
Above everything, so no sight could reach me.
٤. أقامني مثلا مثلا ونزهني
عن كلِّ شيء فلم يظفر بيَ النظر
5. He is the existence, that in His being, is the pillar
Of His creation, and He is the hearing and seeing.
٥. هو الوجودُ الذي في كونه سندٌ
لخلقه وله سمع هو البصر
6. I'm a servant of the one whose identity,
Is my eyes, and I'm not the eye of the Truth, ponder over this.
٦. إني لعبد لمن كانت هويته
عيني وما أنا عينُ الحقِّ فاعتبروا
7. If I were Him, I wouldn't have been characterized by incapacity,
To bring into being what secondary causes and fate show.
٧. لو كنته لم أكن بالعجز متَّصفاً
عن كونِ ما تظهر الأسباب والقدر
8. And the unseen called fate wouldn't have power,
Over our actions, this is a hidden secret I tell.
٨. ولم يكن حاكماً على تصرّفنا
سرٌّ يقال له في علمنا القدر
9. I'm a poor, needy slave at His disposal,
These are my attributes, and my name is humankind.
٩. إني عُبيدٌ فقيرٌ في تقلبه
هذي نعوتي وأما اسمي هو البشر
10. My father is Adam, and all are described,
By their incapacity, for the one they need.
١٠. ووالدي آدمُ والكلُّ متَّصِفٌ
بعجزه للذي إليه يفتقر
11. My ultimate goal is poverty and transcendence, His goal,
Is beyond my goal, and He is independent of me, this is the load.
١١. فغايتي الفقر والتنزيه غايته
عن غايتي والغنى عني هو الوزر
12. I was given the attribute from His essence, so I have honor,
Through which the verses and chapters were revealed.
١٢. أعطيته الوصفَ من ذاتي فلي شرفٌ
به تنزلتِ الآياتِ والسور
13. Without my allegiance, His spirit wouldn't have manifested,
In forms, so the soul is from the Most Merciful, take heed.
١٣. لولاي ما ظهرت في الصور نفخته
فالروحُ من نفس الرحمنِ فادّكروا
14. This which I have said, divine inspiration supports me,
In it, for there has come to you what can be pondered over.
١٤. هذا الذي قلته ألوحي يعضدني
فيه فقد جاءكم ما فيه معتبر
15. If I had vision, I would have pondered,
Thus says the True God, so think and reflect.
١٥. لو كنتُ ذا بصر لكنتُ معتبراً
كذا يقول الإله الحقُّ فافتكروا