
You are blessed, O God, majestic is His majesty

تباركت أنت الله جل جلاله

1. You are blessed, O God, majestic is His majesty
And His might, no scholar's knowledge attained it

١. تباركتَ أنت الله جلَّ جلالُه
وعزَّ فلم يظفر به علمُ عالم

2. Exalted, His creatures' thoughts did not reach Him
And He refuted what every ruler claimed

٢. تعالى فلم تدركه أفكارُ خلقه
وردَّ بما أوحى به كلُّ حاكم

3. But with the refutation He sent
The texts of guidance, I praise with the most merciful of the merciful

٣. ولكن مع الردِّ الذي وردتْ به
نصوصُ الهدى أثني بأرحمِ راحم

4. Upon Himself and inspiration so the foremost
And the moderate may know the wisdom of the unjust

٤. على نفسه وحياً ليعلم سابقٌ
ومقتصدٌ من ذاك حكمةُ ظالمِ

5. So no foremost may gloat at the delay of his mention
To join him in it with the people of injustices

٥. فلا سابقٌ يزهو لتاخيرِ ذكره
لإلحاقه فيه باهل المظالم

6. So He came with glorification, consultation and more
And He came with likening the tongues of translators

٦. فجاء بتنزيه بشورى وغيرها
وجاء بتشبيهِ لسانِ التراجم

7. And each has a correct purpose and intention
So He covered with what He inspired all the landmarks

٧. وكلٌّ له وجهٌ صحيحٌ ومقصدٌ
فعم بما أوحى جميعَ المعالم

8. And He said I am with assumptions and their judgment
That is the essence of knowledge of Me in translations

٨. وقال أنا عند الظنونِ وحكمها
وذلك عينُ العلم بي في التراجم

9. And in them you see the Day of Resurrection when
He brings it near after persistent denial

٩. وفيها ترى القيامةِ عندما
يقرِّبه بعد الجحود الملازم

10. Because they concluded about Us with the proof of their reason
Even if I favored them over livestock in sciences

١٠. لما عقدوا فينا ببرهان عقلهم
وإن فضلتهم في العلومِ بهائمي

11. As came about Us in the explicit of Our speech
On the tongues of the messengers from every ruler

١١. كما جاء عنا في صريح كلامنا
على ألسن الأرسالِ من كلِّ حاكم