1. I witnessed the One who spread the earth out as a carpet
The witness of an Imam whose rule judged the Throne
١. شهدتُ الذي قد مهد الأرض لي فرشاً
شهودَ إمامٍ حاكم حكم العرشا
2. I was passionately in love with Him so my eyelids kept vigil
And for the sake of my fervor, mercy dwelt in the carpet
٢. شغفتُ به حباً فأسهر مقلتي
ومن أجل وجدي رحمة سكن الفرشا
3. My witness of Him is with devotion, not otherwise
For the sake of the One who sanctified that we hold the carpet dear
٣. شهودي له بالباء ليس بغيرها
لأجل الذي قدّ سنّ أن نغرم الأرشا
4. Elders among the people I met in Him
So they were like a roof for us and I was their carpet
٤. شيوخ من الأقوام فيه لقيتهم
فكانوا لنا سقفاً وكنتُ لهم فرشا
5. Firm-willed leaders, reverent shepherds
He was revealed to them in us and in the soft carpet
٥. شِدادٌ أولو أعزمٍ رعاةٌ أيمة
تجلى لهم فينا وفي الحية الرقشا
6. Their motto is oneness, they seek His nearness
With it, while polytheism is what the blind poet claimed
٦. شعارهم التوحيدُ يبغون قربه
به وهو الشرك الذي أثبت الأعشى
7. Similar to them is he whose life was long
And in the intermediate realm, the known one when night falls
٧. شبيه بهم من كان طولَ حياته
وفي البرزخ المعلوم في الليل إذ يغشى
8. I braced myself against them after revering their status
And I did not fear estrangement from Him nor did I dread
٨. شمرت عليهم بعد تعظيم قدرهم
ولم آمن الهجران منه ولم أخشا
9. I braced myself against the One from whose drink is the sweetness
That gives its drinker directly a intoxication that covers
٩. شمرت الذي من شربه اللذة التي
لشاربه نصّاً أتانا به يَغشى
10. I sensed from Him a scent of fragrant musk
Informing me in this state which intoxicates
١٠. شممتُ له ريحاً من المسك عاطراً
يخبرني في هذا المقام الذي يغشى