
Secrets of mysteries that are neither guarded nor divulged,

سرائر سر لا تصان ولا تفشى

1. Secrets of mysteries that are neither guarded nor divulged,
And their virgins neither violated nor assaulted.

١. سرائر سرٍّ لا تصان ولا تفشى
وأبكارها لا تُستباح ولا تغشى

2. Their taste is honey for the senses,
And their touch is smooth as silk to the mind.

٢. فمطعمها للحسِّ شهدٌ لذائق
وملمسها للعقلِ كالحية الرقشا

3. They give birth to ideas for the thoughts every hour,
Of night and day when it overwhelms.

٣. تولد للأفكار في كلِّ ساعةٍ
من اليومِ والليلِ البهيمِ إذا يغشى

4. Females and males of meaning in a form,
In which he constrained it as Al-A'sha constrained.

٤. إناثاً وذكرانا لمعنى بصورةٍ
بها قيدته مثل ما قيد الأعشى

5. He said that light is intermingled and not
What he intended by what he said anything wrong or deceived.

٥. فقال بأنَّ الضوءَ ممتزجٌ وما
نوى بالذي قد قال سءاً ولا غشا

6. And the one who did not know the truth said that he
Intended by what he said to people wrong or deceived.

٦. وقال الذي لم يعرف الحكم إنه
نوى بالذي قد قاله للورى غشا

7. If only he knew that the light hides its night,
And that making the peeled visible made it radiant.

٧. فلو يدري أنَّ النور يستر ليله
وأنَّ وجودَ السلخِ صيَّره نشا

8. He would have said that the matter is light and its darkness,
And that is the truth by which it appears without being deceived.

٨. لقال بأنَّ الأمر نورٌ وظلمتُه
وذلك حقٌّ ما به بان أن يغشى

9. So whoever fathomed the matter I have fathomed,
Becomes an imam who neither fears nor is deceived.

٩. فمن سبر الأمر الذي قد سبرته
يكون إماما لا يخافُ ولا يخشى