
The connection of illness to symptom

ارتباط السقم بالعرض

1. The connection of illness to symptom
Is like the connection of body to attribute

١. ارتباطُ السقمِ بالعرضِ
كارتباطِ الجسم بالعَرَضِ

2. So when good health is attained
And what was of disease is removed

٢. فإذا نيلتْ فعافيةٌ
وانتفى ما كان من مرضِ

3. Then look at what I have told you
And be safe from the illness of purpose

٣. فانظروا فيما ذكرتُ لكم
تسلموا من علةِ الغرض

4. So detachment from it is obligatory
For one who sees, an obligation

٤. فوجوبُ الزهد فيه لذي
نظر وجوبُ مفترض

5. And one whose aims are hidden
Is patient with discontent

٥. والذي تخفى مقاصدُه
إنه يصبر على مضض

6. And consoles himself for what
Escaped him by saying "if it was decreed"

٦. ويعزي نفسه في الذي
فاته بقوله لو قضى

7. And the soul becomes accustomed to his wisdom
So you see him always fervent

٧. وتمجُّ النفس حكمته
فتراه دائم الحَرَض

8. Sometimes dying of love in the east
Sometimes dying of love in the west

٨. تارة يموتُ من شرق
تارة يموتُ من جَرَض

9. And if he dies of agonies
He may think there is consent in it

٩. وإذا ما مات من غصص
ربما يظنُّ فيه رضى

10. As for the one whom my wisdom misses
It has no attribute, by God

١٠. والذي تفوته حكمي
ما لها والله من عرضِ

11. It is like a lamp, shining
Fueled by oil that nearly ignites

١١. هي كالمصباح نيَّرة
مدَّه زيتٌ يكاد يُضي

12. It has no inclination to any direction
Due to the presence of equilibrium, it continues

١٢. ما لهه مَيْلٌ إلى جهةٍ
لوجودِ الاعتدال مضى