
The cavern of God shelters His home and family.

غار الإله لبيته وحريمه

1. The cavern of God shelters His home and family.
So whoever intends evil against them,

١. غار الإله لبيته وحريمه
فلذاك ما حَصَبَ الذي يبغيه

2. God will ward it off with His benevolence,
And nullify their ill intent through His servants.

٢. بالسوءِ ثم تراه من إحسانه
بعباده يلغي الذي يلغيه

3. For if you show kindness to the ungrateful,
He will not notice it, lost in his own tyranny.

٣. إن اللئيم الطبعِ إنْ أكرمتَه
لم يلتفتْ فبجورةِ يطغيه