
The palace of honorable men from Baghdad

القصر ذو الشرفاء من بغداد

1. The palace of honorable men from Baghdad
No, the palace with balconies from Saddad

١. القَصرُ ذو الشُرُفاءِ مِن بَغدادِ
لا القَصرُ ذو الشُرَفاتِ مِن شَدّادِ

2. And the crown above the gardens as if it were
A maiden adorned with the most fragrant perfume

٢. وَالتاجُ مِن فَوقِ الرِياضِ كَأَنَّهُ
عَذراءُ قَد جُلِيَت بِأَعطَرِ نادِ

3. The wind plays with the branches and bends them
As if it has an appointment with them

٣. وَالريحُ تَلعَبُ بِالغُصونِ فَتَنثَني
فَكَأَنَّهُ مِنها عَلى ميعادِ

4. And as if the Tigris River, its course was in its chest
And the Master, our Lord Al-Hadi

٤. وَكَأَنَّ دِجلَةَ سِلكُها ف جيدِها
وَالبَعلَ سَيِّدَنا الإِمامُ الهادِي

5. Al-Nasir al-Mansour, the best Caliph
Does not ride in war an untamed steed

٥. الناصِرُ المَنصورُ خَيرُ خَليفَةٍ
لا يَمتَطي في الحَربِ مَتنَ جَوادِ

6. May Allah bless him as long as leaves rustled
On branches garlanded on banquet tables

٦. صَلّى عَلَيهِ اللَهُ ما صَدَحَت بِهِ
وَرقا مُطَوَّقَةٌ عَلى مَيّادِ

7. And as long as the flashes of smiling faces gleamed
Which were unveiled by the eyelids of visitors

٧. وَكَذاكَ ما بَرِقَت بُروقُ مَباسِمٍ
سَحَّت لَها مِن مُقلَتَيَّ عَوادِ

8. From a pearl like the sun, its rain has risen
Appearing with the most luminous radiance

٨. مِن خُرَّدٍ كَالشَمسِ أَقلَعَ غَيثُها
فَبَدَت بِأَنوَرَ مُستَنيرٍ بادي