1. Judgment is but coercion and force
No judgment calls for choice of course
١. الحكمُ حكمُ الجبر والاضطرار
ما ثَم حكم يقتضي الاختبارْ
2. Except what we ascribe to ourselves so its
Surface shows it was by free choice
٢. إلا الذي يثعزى إلينا ففي
ظاهرِه بأنه عن خيارْ
3. Like what's ascribed to my Creator
And our throne tied to His in fine fetters
٣. كمثلِ ما يُعزى إلى خالقي
وعرشنا من عرشه في ازورار
4. If the observer thought about it, he would see
That it was chosen without coercion
٤. لو فكر الناظر فيه رأى
بأنه المختار عن اضطرار
5. All this is fixed, do not say
It is specific to us, merely borrowed
٥. لكل هذا ثابتٌ لا تقل
بأنه خاص بنا مُستعار
6. So knowledge follows what is known
And judgment belongs to residence like homes
٦. فالعلمُ ما يتبع معلومه
فالحكمُ للساكنِ مثل الديار
7. Do not blame the Knower for all
That occurs in Him of richness and need
٧. لا تعتبِ العالم في كلِّ ما
يكون فيه من غنى وافتقار
8. And the One who originated him, He
Judges with knowledge, so where to flee?
٨. ولا الذي أوجده إنه
يحكم بالعلمِ فأين الفرار
9. I was confused and the matter bewildered me
So let the Knower settle in the abode of settlement
٩. حِرتُ وحار الأمر في حيرتي
فليلزمِ العالمُ دارَ القرار
10. And be content with what he has, let him not
Exceed his contentment, he is in check
١٠. وليرتضي بما له لا يزد
على رضاه إنه في تَبار
11. None knows the truth but the One
Who judges the rulers by compulsion
١١. لا يعلم الحقَّ سوى واحد
يقضي على الحكام بالاضطرار
12. Do you not see the judge in his ruling
By law, so where is the choice?
١٢. ألا ترى القاضي في حكمه
بمقتضى الشِّرعِ فأين الخيار
13. Nothing troubled the Knower except what
He did of the wisdom of waiting
١٣. ما أقلق العالم إلا الذي
قام به من حكمة الانتظار
14. This is the distinction between Him
And one who acts by might and power
١٤. هذا هو الفصلُ الذي بينه
وبين من يفعل بالاقتدار