1. Blessed is Allah, who has always
Been characterized by what He was in eternity
١. تبارك الله الذي لم يزل
بما به متصفاً في الأزل
2. Glory be to Him, the One who has no equal
Who has become mighty in His sultanate, then majestic
٢. سبحانه من واحدٍ ما له
قد عز في سلطانه ثم جَل
3. The minds have denied some of what
His verses and messengers have brought
٣. أنكرتِ الألباب بعضَ الذي
جاءت به آياته والرسُل
4. And accepted it after interpreting
Its apparent meaning with a tradition or parable
٤. وسلمته بعد ما أوّلت
ظاهره من خبرِ أو مثل
5. Indeed, He who gave it its proofs
Due to the deviance or defects in it
٥. إن الذي أعطاه برهانها
لما بها من زيغٍ أو من علل
6. Sent His revelation to their hearts
About His mention from every momentous address
٦. في قلبها كذا أتى وحيه
في ذكره من كلِّ خَطب جلل
7. The essence that proved it
Does not need an attribute that supports it or a place
٧. ما استغنتِ الذاتُ التي برهنت
عن عَرض قام بها أو محل
8. Except from the world by its existence
As evidence of the constant wisdom of His judgement
٨. إلا عن العالم من كونه
دليلُ كونِ حكمه لم يزل
9. For if He were not the Speaker
The universe would not exist through Him and would vanish
٩. وإنه إنْ لم يكن قائلاً
لم يكن الكونُ به واضمحل
10. So there is no doubt, as you see
The wisdom of the people of power is in His eye
١٠. فالأمر لا شكَّ على ما ترى
في عينه حكمةُ أهلِ الدول