
Glorious is He whom I see naught but Him

سبحان من لا أرى سواه

1. Glorious is He whom I see naught but Him
In everything my eyes can see

١. سبحان من لا أرى سواه
في كلِّ شيء تراه عيني

2. And that is the difference my mind perceives
Between the One I worship and me

٢. وذاك فرقٌ يراه عقلي
ما بين معبوده وبيني

3. Whenever I say You are my Lord
I don the cloak of a Sufi in humbleness

٣. فكلما قلت أنت ربي
لبستُ بالسلبِ ثوبَ صوفي

4. His transcendence is His utmost exaltation
His immanence is His being as me

٤. تنزيهه جدُّه تعالى
تشبيهُه كونه بكوني

5. I sought help from Him through the Sharia
O claimant, there can be no help for me

٥. طلبتُ بالشرعِ منه عوناً
يا مدعي لا يكون عوني

6. Except for a servant who has been given access
And no access except for where I can be

٦. إلا لعبدٍ له مجالٌ
ولا مجالٌ إلا لأيني

7. In my moderation, minds lost their way
When what lies between them and me held sway

٧. وفي استوائي العقولُ تاهت
إذ حال ما بينها وبيني

8. The truth has come to us in reception
In every ease and softness, I say

٨. قد جاءنا الحقُّ في التلقي
بكلِّ هينٍ وكلِّ لينِ

9. O Messenger, I am indeed hearing
If you stand by me with two attestations

٩. يا مرسلاً إنني سميعٌ
إن قمت لي فيه باثنتين

10. An Essence has transcended, for It has attributes
Of every beauty and adornment, I maintain

١٠. ذاتٌ تعالتْ لها صفاتٌ
من كلِّ حسنٍ وكلِّ زينِ

11. If my mind seeks to comprehend them
I'd build my home on two ruins

١١. إن رامَ تحصيلهن فكري
بنيتُ بيتي بتبنتين