
The oil of guidance for those seeking certainty

عين الدليل على اليقين

1. The oil of guidance for those seeking certainty
Is a lantern for the beholders.

١. عين الدليلِ على اليقينِ
الزيتُ النبراسُ للناظرين

2. For it is the substitute,
In its veil,

٢. لأنه النائب
في سَتره

3. And its absentee's guidance
In his disbelief,

٣. وهديه الغائب
في كفره

4. And its piercing arrow
In his throat.

٤. وسهمه الصائب
في نحره

5. Truly I say, O heedless ones,
The gnosis of the wise is manifold.

٥. حقاً أقولُ يا غافلين
معارفُ الأكياسِ على فنون

6. How sweet is the taste
Of the perspective from above,

٦. لله ما أحلى
طعم المذاق

7. When the course continues.
His signs are recited

٧. بالمنظر الأعلى
عند المساق

8. In succession.
A long night, a clear morning,

٨. آياتُه تُتلى
على اتِّساق

9. As if he were Elijah among the messengers.
If Idris,

٩. ليلٌ طويلٌ صبحٌ مبينُ
كأنه إلياس في المرسلين

10. When offered
The Torah of Moses,

١٠. لو أنّ إدريساً
إذ أعرضا

11. Had not fallen ill,
And Jesus had come to him

١١. عليله يوسى
ما مرَّضا

12. With judgement,
On the path he would have moaned.

١٢. وجاءه عيسى
مع القضا

13. From the malady of destitution, along with the companion.
They both spoke,

١٣. على السبيل يُبدي الأنين
من عِلة الإفلاسِ مع القرين

14. With his knowledge,
That they had attained

١٤. قد قالا من قالا

15. From his wisdom,
And ceased not

١٥. بأنه نالا
من حكمه

16. In his opinion.
So he says, while holding assumption.

١٦. وعنه ما زالا
في زعمه

17. The insinuations of the sneaky, amidst assumptions.
When the critic saw

١٧. كذا يقول وهو الظنين
وساوس الخناس عند الظنون

18. What he hoped for,
And said to the questioner,

١٨. لما رأى العاذلَ
ما أمَّلا

19. "This is easy."
I recited to the speaker,

١٩. وقال للسائلِ
هذا سلا

20. When he was exalted:
"I have no inclusion except for yearning."

٢٠. أنشدت للقائلِ
إذ علا

21. Its temperament in the cup is mellowed tears.

٢١. ما لي شَمول إلا الشُّجون
مزاجها في الكأس دمع هَتون