
I love the lands of God after Tayba

أحب بلاد الله لي بعد طيبة

1. I love the lands of God after Tayba
And Mecca and Al-Aqsa, the city of Baghdan

١. أَحَبُّ بِلادِ اللَهِ لي بَعدَ طَيبَةٍ
وَمَكَّةَ وَالأَقصى مَدينَةُ بَغدانِ

2. Why would I not yearn for peace and for it
The imam of guidance is my religion, my doctrine and my faith

٢. وَما لِيَ لا أَهوى السَلامَ وَلي بِها
إِمامُ هُدىً ديني وَعَقدي وَإيماني

3. And it has been inhabited by the daughters of Persia
A gentle glance, sickly eyelids

٣. وَقَد سَكَنَتها مِن بُنَيّاتِ فارِسٍ
لَطيفَةُ إيماءٍ مَريضَةُ أَجفانِ

4. She says hello and brings to life those who her glance has killed
So she came with beauty after beauty and benevolence

٤. تُحَيّي فَتُحيي مَن أَماتَت بِلَحظِها
فَجاءَت بِحُسنى بعدَ حُسنٍ وَإِحسانِ