
God has heard His servant's word

قد سمع الله قول عبده

1. God has heard His servant's word
When he praised God as He deserved

١. قد سمع الله قولَ عبدِه
إذ حمدَ الله حقَّ حمدِهِ

2. The Lord has kept His covenant with me
When we kept our covenant with Him

٢. لقد وفى الربُّ لي بعهدي
لما وفينا له بعهدِه

3. God has shown us kindness
From the generosity of His essence, true to His promise

٣. وقد أرانا الإله جوداً
من كرمِ الذات صدقَ وعدِه

4. He is with me wherever I am in relation to Him
In nearness if near, or from afar if far

٤. وهو معي حيث كنت منه
بقربٍ إن كان أو ببعده