
For God has a people in paradise since they refused

فلله قوم في الفراديس مذ أبت

1. For God has a people in paradise since they refused
Their hearts to settle for the earth or the sky

١. فللَّه قومٌ في الفراديسِ مذ أبت
قلوبهم أن تسكن الجوَّ والسما

2. So in haste lies the secret for which cracked
The thunder of affliction from atop the peak

٢. ففي العجلِ السرُّ الذي صدعتْ له
رعودُ اللظى في السفلِ من ظاهر العجى

3. And flashed its lightning in its directions, radiant
Crowning it from within the man in passion

٣. وأبرق برق في نواحيه ساطع
يجلله من باطن الرجل في الشوى

4. So the first sound from it was through his nostrils
As he sniffed it, deserving praise and glory

٤. فأولُ صوتٍ كان منه بأنفه
فشمته فاستوجبَ الحمدَ والثنا

5. And was suddenly inspired by God's command
Containing what was within his soul concealed

٥. وفاجأه وحي من الله آمرٌ
وكان له ما كان في نفسه اكتمى

6. So my obedience, had you been brought near
And my disobedience without you I'd not been chosen

٦. فيا طاعتي لو كنت كنت مقرّباً
ومعصيتي لولاك ما كنتُ مجتبى

7. For knowledge lies only in differing and its essence
And light only in violating prohibitions

٧. فما العلم إلا في الخلافِ وسرِّه
وما النور إلا في مخالفة النهى