1. A part intimates the essence of being,
Of what the whole intimated in its existence.
١. يدل الجزؤ من مضمون كوني
على ما دلَّ كلّي من وجوده
2. It makes me bear witness to it and it bears witness to me through my essence,
So I perish from my existence through witnessing it.
٢. فيشهدني وأشهده بنفسي
فأفنى عن وجودي من شهوده
3. Had it not been said it was infatuation with matters,
I would have said our issuance was from the essence of its generosity.
٣. ولولا أن يقال صبا لأمر
لقلت صدورُنا من عينِ جوده
4. The sleeper sees it as does the awake one in unveiling,
Like the vision of one in devout prayer during his vigil.
٤. يراه النائمُ اليقظانُ كشفا
كرؤية ذي التهجد في هجوده
5. The lost ones see it without proof,
Like the vision of one with purpose during his quest.
٥. يراه الحائرون بلا دليل
كرؤية ذي المقاصد في قصوده
6. The stringer of pearls sees in it,
From names for it, a thread strung through its necklace.
٦. يراه ناظم المرجان فيه
من أسماء له سلكا بجيده
7. The stringer of phrases sees it as a line of verse,
It is the spirit given success in his ode.
٧. يراه ناظم الألفاظ بيتاً
هو الروح المؤيد في قصيده
8. The stringer of stones sees it as a necklace,
That necklace being the most precious of its necklaces.
٨. يراه ناظم الأحجار عقدا
وذاك العقد من اسنى عقوده
9. I read in its necklace the studs of an epoch,
Through it, witness was taken in its contracts.
٩. قرأت بعقده أجيادَ دهرٍ
به أخذ الشهادة في عقوده
10. For it is the glorification and the Criterion wherein
Your bowing and prostration distinguish it.
١٠. له التسبيحُ والفرقان فيه
يميزه ركوعك مع سجودِه
11. And beware mixing between me and a Lord
And those servants I have chosen from among His servants.
١١. وحاذرْ أن تمازجَ بي ربٍّ
وبين من اصطفاهم من عبيده
12. The blind see it absolutely,
Like the vision of the sighted in their shackles.
١٢. يراه مطلقا من كان اعمى
كرؤية ذي البصيرة في قيوده
13. Thus is that philosopher without limit,
And this Ash'ari upon his boundaries.
١٣. فذاك الفيلسوف بغير حدٍّ
وهذا الأشعريّ على حدوده
14. And all of them are prisoners in it
By making the intellect that which confines them.
١٤. وكلهم رهين الحبس فيه
بجعلِ العقلِ ذلك من صيوده
15. In fairness, I believe them private,
Unrestrained, not extravagant in their shackles.
١٥. على الإنصاف آمنهم شخيص
طليقٌ ليس يرسفُ في قيوده
16. They are its armies and manifestations of a King
Who must be obeyed - verily He is among its soldiers.
١٦. وهم أجنادُه وظهور ملك
مطاع إنما هو من جنودِه
17. Through this they were fortunate and attained security from it,
Even if they wearied themselves striving toward its good fortune.
١٧. بذا سعدوا وحازوا الأمن منه
وإن تعبوا المال إلى سعوده
18. For this reason my mercy took precedence toward the goals
And attained them in my position, its good fortune.
١٨. لذا سبقت إلى الغايات رحمتي
وحازتها بمنزلتي سعوده
19. So it took effect in the Gardens and in Hellfire,
Even if the two are our abode of eternity.
١٩. فحلتْ في الجنان وفي جحيم
وإن كانا لنا داري خلوده
20. Conceal it that it may hide in Hellfire
From pains, the most forgotten of its disregard.
٢٠. فاخبئه ليستر في جحيمٍ
من الآلام أنسى من جحوده
21. Had they clung to the realities, they would not have been
Like one who denies what he sees upon its arrival.
٢١. فلو لزموا الحقائقَ لم يكونوا
كمنكر ما رآه لذي وروده
22. It manifested itself to insights from afar,
Its manifestation being like one in its vein.
٢٢. تجلّى للبصائر من بعيد
تجليه كمن هو في وريده
23. And it enlightened him about what had been of it
From all-encompassing gratitude for its increase.
٢٣. وأطلعه على ما كان منه
من الشكر العميم على مزيده
24. You see it when the eye connects to it
Like your disconnecting during your distraction.
٢٤. تراه عند وصل العين منه
بذاتك مثل فصلك في شروده
25. So do not seek from the Merciful a pact
Whereby the Guardian will ask you about His pacts.
٢٥. فلا تطلب من الرحمن عهداً
فيسألك المهيمن عن عهوده
26. And may His peace be upon you, be a humble servant
And gain by increase in witnessing Him.
٢٦. وسالمه تكن عبدا سؤوساً
وتظفر بالزيادة في شهوده