
The dove of the wilderness in her solitude

حمامة البان بذات الغضا

1. The dove of the wilderness in her solitude
Is oppressed by the vastness of space

١. حَمامَةَ البانِ بِذاتِ الغَضا
ضاقَ لِما حَمَّلتِنيهِ الفَضا

2. Who can bear the agony of passion?
Who can drink the bitter cup of fate?

٢. مَن ذا الَّذي يَحمِلُ شَجوَ الهَوى
مَن ذا الَّذي يَجرَعُ مُرَّ القَضا

3. I cry in anguish and heartache
Oh, that he who made me ill might heal me

٣. أَقولُ مِن وَجدٍ وَمِن لَوعَةٍ
يا لَيتَ مَن أَمرَضَني مَرَضا

4. He passed by my abode mocking
Frivolous, veiled, turning away

٤. مَرَّ بِبابِ الدارِ مُستَهزِئاً
مُستَخفِياً مُعتَجِراً مُعرِضا

5. His veil did not hurt me, rather
His turning away did me harm

٥. ما ضَرَّني تَعجيرُهُ إِنَّما
أَضَرَّ بي مِن كَونِهِ أَعرَضا