
Whoever's face is towards the truth will never perish

من كان وجه الحق لا يهلك

1. Whoever's face is towards the truth will never perish
And possesses the universe yet nothing possesses him

١. من كان وجهَ الحق لا يهلك
ويملك الكونَ ولا يملكْ

2. And comprehends all things without any sense faculty from him nor can be comprehended
Whoever witnessed the command sees that when proofs are established for him through what is comprehended

٢. ويدرك الشيءَ بلا آلة
حسيةٍ منه ولا يُدرَك

3. His names disappear from the world and his eye is the eye that comprehends
So if he contends with it or with us then he has power over all that

٣. من شهدَ الأمرَ يرى أنه
إذا تحققتْ به المدرك

4. Our explanation here leads to whoever unified the command is the idolater
And that if it were not for me nothing would have existed neither ruling nor me so leave it

٤. تفنى من العالم أسماؤه
وعينه العينُ التي تدرَك

5. And if there is then there is nothing for me just a metaphor so tell them to associate
For whoever does not have his names with him then he is a fabricator

٥. فإن تشاقلت به أو بنا
فإنه بكلِّ ذا أملك

٦. تفصيلُنا هذا يؤدِّي إلى
من وحد الأمر هو المشرك

٧. وأنَّه لولا أنا لم يكن
حكمٌ ولا ثَم أنا فاتركوه

٨. وإنْ يكن ثم فما ثم لي
كناية فقل لهم شرّكوا

٩. فإنه من لم يكن عنده
اسماؤه فإنه يؤفك