1. To be granted insight is the greatest thing,
For in the realm of knowledge it has no prop.
١. الأمر أعظمُ أن يحظى به أحد
فما له في وجودِ العلمِ مُستندْ
2. Revelation came, but you cannot know its truth,
Nor with the mind's eye, thought or basis grasp.
٢. جاء الحديثُ فما تُدري حقيقته
ولا بعينها فكْرٌ ولا سَنَد
3. Unveiling has no means of access here,
For it alone perceives the forms that are.
٣. والكشفُ ليس له فيها مداخلةٌ
لأنه بوجودِ الصور ينفرد
4. The command of God is one, as it arrived,
The servant's inner mystery with Truth is fused.
٤. أمر الإله كما قد جاء واحدة
والعبد من سرِّه بالحقِّ متحد
5. No form you see but that it will be followed,
Once its predestined term as form has passed.
٥. فما ترى جسداً إلا ويعقبه
إذا مضى عينه من حينه جسد