
I see the desired grows that it suffers

أرى المطلوب يكبر أن يصابا

1. I see the desired grows that it suffers
And it increases that it resists or it is blamed

١. أرى المطلوب يكبر أنْ يصابا
ويعظم أنْ يقاوم أو يُدانى

2. I wondered at its closeness, the lowest in itself
Exalted, it refused to be humiliated

٢. عجبتُ لقربه الأدنى بذات
منزهة تعالتْ أنْ تُهانا

3. It appeared and its light is a veil for it
And it refused that we see it as it sees us

٣. تجلَّتْ والضياءُ لها حجابٌ
وجلَّت أنْ نراها كما ترانا

4. So none attains it except the eager
As for him who was lazy or hesitated

٤. فلا يحظى بها إلا حريص
وأما من تكاسلَ أو توانى

5. It forgets him and he forgets it, and this
Is a recompense we have colored ourselves

٥. فينساها وتنساه وهذا
جزاء قد تلوناه قرانا

6. So whoever draws near it has not tasted other than it
And has attained the rank and the place

٦. فمن يقربه لم يطعم سواها
وقد حاز المكانةَ والمكانا

7. Just as the sick person when he comes to it
It privileges him with the time and the moment

٧. كما أنَّ العليلَ إذا أتاها
يخصُّ به الزمانةَ والزمانا

8. Darkness, how can it veil it, and light
While we see it without them clearly

٨. ظلامٌ كيف يحجبُه ونورٌ
ونحن نراه دونهما عِيانا

9. So I do not hope for it in any matter
Important that none knows but us

٩. فما أرجو سواه لكلِّ أمرٍ
مهمٍّ ليس يعرفه سوانا