
The mixture appeared, so the heart has no comprehension,

بان الخليط فما للقلب معقول

1. The mixture appeared, so the heart has no comprehension,
Nor on the purse are the departing ones relied upon.

١. بانَ الخَليطُ فَما لِلقَلبِ مَعقولُ
وَلا عَلى الجيزَةِ الغادينَ تَعويلُ

2. As for them, they are enemies whom we do not speak to,
And it is the friend with whom there is love and flirtation.

٢. أَمّا هُمُ فَعُداةٌ ما نُكَلِّمُهُم
وَهيَ الصَديقُ بِها وَجدٌ وَتَخبيلُ

3. It is as if, the day the two friends urged her
Towards the shelter with the plague, I was wavering,

٣. كَأَنَّني يَومَ حَثَّ الحادِيانِ بِها
نَحوَ الإوانَةِ بِالطاعونِ مَتلولُ

4. The day I packed my belongings without my armor
While my heart was busy with separation.

٤. يَومَ اِرتَحَلتُ بِرَحلي دونَ بِرذَعَتي
وَالقَلبُ مُستَوهِلٌ بِالبَينِ مَشغولُ

5. Then I bid farewell to my companion to send him
After the caravans though he was comprehension.

٥. ثُمَّ اِغتَرَزتُ عَلى نِضوي لِأَبعَثَهُ
إِثرَ الحُمولِ الغَوادي وَهوَ مَعقولُ

6. So a copious tear hastened which a
Water penetrated and rolled in its eyelid.

٦. فَاِستَعجَلَت عَبرَةٌ شَعواءُ قَحَّمَها
ماءٌ وَمالَ بِها في جَفنِها الجولُ

7. I said what happened to the caravans of the living that
My eyes missed them or did the ghoul make away with them.

٧. فَقُلتُ ما لِحُمولِ الحَيِّ قَد خَفِيَت
أَكَلَّ طَرفِيَ أَم غالَتهُمُ الغولُ

8. They camp for a while so I cry then the
Morning family raises it and the twilight messengers.

٨. يَحفَونَ طَوراً فَأَبكي ثُمَّ يَرفَعُها
آلُ الضُحى وَالهِبِلّاتُ المَراسيلُ

9. They are escorted by the neighing of the slick horses
Whose shadows are for their hands golden anklets.

٩. تَخدي بِهِم رُجُفُ الأَلحي مُلَيَّثَةٌ
أَظلالُهُنَ لِأَيديهِنَّ تَنعيلُ

10. And for the warriors in their tracks are stallions
And for the mirage over the gravels are delusions.

١٠. وَلِلحُداةِ عَلى آثارِهِم زَجَلٌ
وَلِلسَرابِ عَلى الحِزّانِ تَبغيلُ

11. Until when the late mornings prevented them
And the heat kindled they said some words, they halted,

١١. حَتّى إِذا حَلَّتِ الشَهلاءُ دونَهُمُ
وَاِستَوقَدَ الحَرُّ قالوا قَولَةً قيلوا

12. And faced a valley in which the turtledoves were cooing
As if they were the arks of Anbateel.

١٢. وَاِستَقبَلوا وادِياً جَرسُ الحَمامِ بِهِ
كَأَنَّهُ نَوحُ أَنباطٍ مَثاكيلُ

13. The prolonged separation and the white cranes
Did not leave anything in my liver by which I could live.

١٣. لَم يُبقِ مِن كَبِدي شَيئاً أَعيشُ بِهِ
طولُ الصَبابَةِ والبيضُ الهَراكيلُ

14. Of every malady in the two abbys occupying them
From the need of the living, ailments and scorching.

١٤. مِن كُلِّ بَدّاءَ في البُردَينِ يَشغَلُها
عَن حاجَةِ الحَيِّ عُلّامٌ وَتَحجيلُ

15. Of that which makes its edges flutter when it departs
While no anklets clink around its legs.

١٥. مِمّا يَجولُ وِشاحاها إِذا اِنصَرَفَت
وَلا تَجولُ بِساقَيها الخَلاخيلُ

16. It adorns the enemies of its stretch and its wrapping
A bejeweled and scented smooth wrapping.

١٦. يَزينُ أَعداءَ مَتنَيها وَلَبَّتَها
مُرَجَّلٌ مُنهَلٌ بِالمِسكِ مُعلولُ

17. The glances pass by it slowly, with coyness,
As if they are bunches of dates bending over.

١٧. تُمِرُّهُ عَطِفَ الأَطرافِ ذا غُدَرٍ
كَأَنَّهُنَّ عناقيدُ القُرى الميلُ

18. The swaying of its inclining is submission in its affection
While its body and innards are supple.

١٨. هيفُ المُرَدّى رَداحٌ في تَأَوُّدِها
مَحطوطَةُ المَتنِ وَالأَحشاءِ عُطبولُ

19. As if between its neck and its wrapping
Is an ember with stars of the night lined up.

١٩. كَأَنَّ بَينَ تَراقيها وَلَبَّتِها
جَمراً بِهِ مِن نُجومِ اللَيلِ تَفصيلُ

20. Its saliva heals the tetter and mange for whoever it sickens,
A malady with which the physicians are struggled.

٢٠. تَشفي مِنَ السَلِّ وَالبِرسامِ ريقَتُها
سُقمٌ لِمَن أَسقَمَت داءٌ عَقابيلُ

21. Its echo heals wherever the slumberer turns with it
After hardships, a saliva from it and a kissing.

٢١. تَشفي الصَدى أَينَما مالَ الضَجيعُ بِها
بَعدَ الكَرى ريقَةٌ مِنها وَتَقبيلُ

22. They pour to it even if they are in a hurry
With the road from Mecca, the white-bearded reverends.

٢٢. يَصبو إِلَيها وَلَو كانوا عَلى عَجَلٍ
بِالشَعبِ مِن مَكَّةَ الشيبُ المَثاكيلُ

23. It captures hearts so among its visitors are soft ones
Who count its end of the world and being killed.

٢٣. تَسبي القُلوبَ فَمِن زُوّارِها دَنِفٌ
يَعتَدُّ آخِرَ دُنياهُ وَمَقتولُ

24. It is as if its smile one day when it beams
Is lightning whose clouds are delicate pearls.

٢٤. كَأَنَّ ضَحكَتَها يَوماً إِذا اِبتَسَمَت
بَرقٌ سَحائِبُهُ غُرٌّ زَهاليلُ

25. It is as if it is a flower which the spring brought
A fragrant soul, a smooth wrapping.

٢٥. كَأَنَّهُ زَهَرٌ جاءَ الجُناةُ بِهِ
مُستَطرَفٌ طَيِّبُ الأَرواحِ مَطلولُ

26. It is as if when the coat's buttons are undone
A necklace which the weights did not diminish.

٢٦. كَأَنَّها حينَ يَنضو الدِرعَ مَفصِلُها
سَبيكَةٌ لَم تُنَقِّصها المَثاقيلُ

27. Or a balance which the youth uncovered from it fatigue
Until a saliva from it and a crowning appeared.

٢٧. أَو مُزنَةٌ كَشَّفَت عَنها الصَبا رَهَجاً
حَتّى بَدا رَيِّقٌ مِنها وَتَكليلُ

28. Or an egg between solid rocks turned over by
The shoulders of the burly litter-men.

٢٨. أَو بَيضَةٌ بَينَ أَجمادٍ يُقَلِّبُها
بِالمَنكِبَينِ سُخامُ الزِفِّ إِجفيلُ

29. Dew fears so it flees its combatant
Until it meets the sun's rays equating.

٢٩. يَخشى النَدى فَيُوَلّيها مُقاتِلَهُ
حَتّى يُوافى قَرنَ الشَمسِ تَرجيلُ

30. Or a ewe which negligence took from its tribe
And the clearly rosy cheeked coddler.

٣٠. أَو نَعجَةٌ مِن إِراخِ الرَملِ أَخذَلَها
عَن إِلفِها واضِحُ الخَدَّينِ مَكحولُ

31. In a room of soft furs it resides
Where the jinn of whistling and the evil eye dwell.

٣١. بِشُقَّةٍ مِن نَقا العَزّافِ يَسكُنُها
جِنُّ الصَريمَةِ وَالعَينُ المَطافيلُ

32. The soul said to it, be by his birth
For if the feeding time passes, the starved dies.

٣٢. قالَت لَهُ النَفسُ كوني عِندَ مَولِدِهِ
إِنَّ المُسَيكينَ إِن جاوَزتِ مَأكولُ

33. So the heart is busy with terrors that frighten it
While the flesh from the extreme dread is clenched.

٣٣. فَالقَلبُ يُعنى بِرَوعاتٍ تُفَزِّعَهُ
وَاللَحمُ مِن شِدَّةِ الإِشفاقِ مَخلولُ

34. It befriends it with an undivided heart
And a pearl which no dreams revealed.

٣٤. تَعتادُهُ بِفُؤادٍ غَيرِ مُقتَسِمٍ
وَدِرَّةٍ لَم تَخَوَّنَها الأَحاليلُ

35. Until it contained its abhorrence loudly ongoing
Deafening the two cheeks, confused babble.

٣٥. حَتّى اِحتَوى بِكرَها بِالجَوِّ مُطَّرِدٌ
سَمَعمَعٌ أَهرتُ الشِدقَينِ زُهلولُ

36. It tightened its chews from it every withdrawer
From its two sides and in the trunk wheezing.

٣٦. شَدَّ المَماضِغَ مِنهُ كُلَّ مُنصَرَفٍ
مِن جانِبَيهِ وَفي الخُرطومِ تَسهيلُ

37. There did not remain any slobber which the breeze took
On the saddle's seat except two side straps.

٣٧. لَم يَبقَ مِن زَغَبٍ طارَ النَسيلُ بِهِ
عَلى قَرا مَتنِهِ إِلّا شَماليلُ

38. As if between its two eyes and its forehead
From its dye in the blood of the people, a handkerchief.

٣٨. كَأَنَّما بَينَ عَينَيهِ وَزُبرَتِهِ
مِن صَبغِهِ في دِماءِ القَومِ مِنديلُ

39. Like a spear it curved in the two palms and from it
The spearhead leaked in which was thick blood.

٣٩. كَالرُمحِ أَرقَلَ في الكَفَّينِ وَاِطَّرَدَت
مِنهُ القَناةُ وَفيها لَهذَمٌ غولُ

40. It crosses the deserts folding them and its watering place is
From scarcity of sadness basins of worms.

٤٠. يَطوي المَفاوِزَ غيطاناً وَمَنهَلُهُ
مِن قُلَّةِ الحَزنِ أَحواضٌ عَداميلُ

41. When it called the first call so it heard it
While below it was a slight inclination or a mile.

٤١. لَمّا دَعا الدَعوَةَ الأولى فَأَسمَعَها
وَدونَهُ شُقَّةٌ ميلانِ أَو ميلُ

42. The spittle from the gullet almost destroyed it
And a gurgling between its two cheeks, little bells.

٤٢. كادَ اللُعاعُ مِنَ الحَوذانِ يَسحَطُها
وَرِجرِجٌ بَينَ لَحيَيها خَناطيلُ

43. It shakes off the flies with decorated eyelids
And their striking when they strike, a tinkling.

٤٣. تُذري الخُزامى بِأَظلافٍ مُخَذرَفَةٍ
وَوَقعُهُنَّ إِذا وَقَّعنَ تَحليلُ

44. Until it came to the cubicle of the miserable one searching him
And around it pieces from it, multicolored patches.

٤٤. حَتّى أَتَت مَربِضَ المِسكينِ تَبحَثُهُ
وَحَولَها قِطَعٌ مِنها رَعابيلُ

45. It examined the rubbish for a heart in its playgrounds
And henna on the hands lined up.

٤٥. بَحثَ الكَعابِ لِقُلبٍ في مَلاعِبِها
وَفي اليَدَينِ مِنَ الحِنّاءِ تَفصيلُ