1. I swear I do not desire from you a bleating ewe
While you have does that bellow and young that graze
١. أَقسَمتُ لا أَبغيكِ شاةً مُنيحَةً
وَعِندَكِ حَوّاءٌ مُنيخٌ وَحَنظَلُ
2. Dappled she-camels whose calves in the year of scanty rain
Have become fully grown, feeding on rich herbage
٢. وَصُهبٌ صَفايا قَد أَظَلَّ نِتاجُها
مَجاليحُ في عامِ الثُمامِ المُجَزَّلُ
3. When the night uncovers her, it seems as if her dress
Were a coat of mail composed of jointed iron rings
٣. لَأَن يَتَجَلّى اللَيلُ عَنها خَميصَةً
كَأَنَّ حَشاها طَيُّ بُردٍ مُسَلسَلِ
I am too proud and clean to begrudge the meanest man his wealth
٤. أَعَفُّ وَأَنقى مِن لَئيمٍ أَكُدُّهُ
أُجادِلُهُ عَن مالِهِ وَهوَ أَجدَلُ